Veryhachium sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Ladinian Bulgaria Petrunova-Olova,L. Middle and Upper Triassic palynology zones from Northwest Bulgaria (Preliminary results) 1990
details Early Ludlovian Middle Ludlovian Argentina(San Juan) Rubinstein,C.V. Acritarchs from the Silurian of the Jachal River Valley (Los Espejos Formation) San Juan Province, Republic Argentina Subgroups: Prismatomorphitae, Pteromorphitae and acritarchs of Uncertain location 1990
details Late Muschelkalk Keuper W.Germany(Bavaria) Bergen,P.F.Van et al. Palynofacies and sedimentary environments of a Triassic section in Southern Germany. (In: Proceedings International Symposium on the organic petrology (W.J.J.Fermont and J.W.Weegink, editors) 1990
details Ludlovian Siedlce Poland Stempien,M. Ordovician and Silurian acritarchs of the Niestachow Sandstone Formation (Gory Swietokrzyskie Mountains) 1990
details Llanvirnian Baoto China(Szechwan) Lai,C.-G. et al. Restudy on Ordovician of Southern Shaanxi-Northern Sichuan areas. 1990
details Llanvirnian Baoto China(Shansi) Lai,C.-G. et al. Restudy on Ordovician of Southern Shaanxi-Northern Sichuan areas. 1990
details Late Carnian Tuvalian Italy(Sicily) Cirilli,S. et al. Palynomorphs from the Lercara Formation (Sicily): New biostratigraphic data. 1990
details Frasnian USSR(Kaliningrad) Yalysheva,A.A. Palynostratigraphy of Devonian deposits. (In: Practical Palynostratigraphy. L.A. Panova et al, editors) 1990
details Induan Olenikian USSR(Moscow Basin) Romanovskaya,G.M. et al. Palynostratigraphy of Triassic deposits. (In: Practical Palynostratigraphy. L.A. Panova et al, editors) 1990
details Late Ordovician Triassic Canada(Saskatchewan) Stasiuk,L.D. et al. Organic microfacies and basinal tectonic control on source rock accumulation; A microscopic approach with examples from an intracratonic and extensional basin. (In: Recent Advances in Organic Petrology and Geochemistry; A Symposium Honoring Dr P.Hacquebard. W.Kalkreuth et al, editors) 1991
details Middle Llandoverian Paraguay Wood,G.D. et al. Distinctive Silurian chitinozoans from the Itacurubi Group (Bargas Pena Shale), Chaco Basin, Paraguay. 1991
details Late Spathian Middle Anisian Arctic Ocean(Barents Sea) Mangerud,G. et al. Spathian-Anisian (Triassic) palynology at the Svalis Dome, Southwestern Barents Sea 1991
details Early Serpukhovian Canada(Yukon) Utting,J. Lower Carboniferous miospore assemblages from the Hart River Formation, Northern Yukon Territory. 1991
details Late Carnian Italy(Sicily) Martini,R. et al. Sedimentology and biostratigraphy of the Triassic Mufara Formation (Eastern Sicily); Foraminifera, conodonts, palynomorphs. 1991
details Late Hettangian Early Sinemurian Denmark Koppelhus,E.B. Palynology of the Lower Jurassic Ronne Formation on Bornholm, Eastern Denmark. 1991
details Early Berriasian Tunisia Leloux,J. Dinoflagellates of the Sidi Khalif Formation at the Jb.Meloussi, Central Tunisia. 1991
details Late Permian Greenland Piasecki,S. et al. Late Permian Anoxia in Central East Greenland. (In: Modern and Ancient Continental Shelf Anoxia. R.V.Tyson and T.H.Pearson, editors) 1991