Veryhachium sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Bathonian Callovian USSR(European) Rozanov,V.I. New data on the Jurassic stratigraphy of the northern Moscow Sinclise. (In: Jurassic Deposits of the Russian Platform: Collection of Scientific Papers) 1986
details Early Keuper W.Germany(Bavaria) Heunisch,C. Transport and environment analysis of Franconian Lower Keuper and palynomorph study 1986
details Late Caradocian Ashgillian China(Shansi) Fu,J. The Ordovician group of micropalaeoflora from Xiliangsi and Jiancaogou Formation of Zhenba Shaanxi. 1986
details Tremadocian Arenigian China(Shanghai) Hu,Y. Micropalaeoflora from the Early Ordovician in Gaoqiao Region of Shaanxi and its stratigraphic significance. 1986
details Late Tournaisian N.Ireland(Antrim) Clayton,G. Late Tournaisian miospores from the Ballycultra Formation at Cultra, Countydown, northern Ireland 1986
details Early Triassic USSR(Kazakh SSR) Serebryanskaya,M.A. Triassic miospore complexes from the central part of Ciscaspian Depression 1986
details Late Gothlandian Permian Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. New knowledge on age of metasediments in the Dumbier Crystalline (Jasenie area, Central Slovakia Slovakia), Low Tatar Mountains. 1986
details Silurian USSR(Buryat ASSR) Butov,Y.P. Some problems of Pre-Mesozoic stratigraphy of Savan-Baikal Mountain Region. 2. New data on the age of Pre-Mesozoic deposits. 1986
details Early Devonian Middle Devonian Czechoslovakia(Slovensko) Molak,B. et al. Early Paleozoic Metasediments on the Southern Slopes of the Nizke Tatry Mountains near village Jasenie 1986
details Rhaetian Liassic China(Szechwan) Zhang,L.-J. The application of palynostratigraphy to the prospecting of energy resources in Sichuan. 1986
details Neocomian Alaska Vandergon,M.A. Microfossil compilation of Mesozoic and Cenozoic units Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Northeastern Alaska. 1986
details Eocene Alaska Vandergon,M.A. Microfossil compilation of Mesozoic and Cenozoic units Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Northeastern Alaska. 1986
details Llandeilian Early Caradocian Wales Trythall,R.J.B. et al. Age and controls of Ironstone deposition (Ordovician) North Wales. 1987
original Cenomanian Early Turonian Czechoslovakia SvobodovЎ,M. et al. Some fossil microplankton from the Bohemian Cretaceous. 1987
details Early Albian Antarctica Dettmann,M.E. et al. Cretaceous palynomorphs from the James Ross Island area, Antarctica. A pilot study. 1987
details Middle Eocene USSR(Siberia) Kulkova,I.A. Stratigraphy of Western Siberian Paleogene deposits on the basis of palynologic evidence 1987
details Kimmeridgian Tithonian India(Gujarat) Kumar,A. Additional dinocysts and acritarchs from the Middle Member (Lower Kimmeridgian-Tithonian) of the Jhuran Formation, Kachchh, India. 1987