Veryhachium sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
original Late Scythian Libya Adloff,M.C. et al. Trias of Tripolitania (Libya) new biostratigraphic and palynological data. Part two. 1986
original Late Scythian Libya Adloff,M.C. et al. Trias of Tripolitania (Libya) new biostratigraphic and palynological data. Part two. 1986
original Ladinian Libya Adloff,M.C. et al. Trias of Tripolitania (Libya) new biostratigraphic and palynological data. Part two. 1986
original Late Muschelkalk Early Keuper W.Germany(Bavaria) Heunisch,C. Palynology of the Lower Keuper of Franconia, South Germany 1986
original Cambrian Tremadocian Italy Kalvacheva,R.K. et al. Acritarch evidence for the Cambrian age of Phyllites in the Agordo area (South-Alpine Basement of eastern Alps, Italy). 1986
details Hettangian Oxfordian USSR(Siberia) Ilyina,V.I. Subdivision and correlation of the marine and Non-Marine Jurassic sediments in Siberia based on palynological evidence 1986
details Paleozoic Czechoslovakia PacltovŠŽ,B. Palynology of metamorphic rocks, (methodological study). 1986
details Gedinnian Siegenian France(Ardennes) Steemans,P. The study of palynostratigraphy of the Devonian of western Europe. 1986
details Gedinnian France Steemans,P. The study of palynostratigraphy of the Devonian of western Europe. 1986
details Late Gedinnian Romania Steemans,P. The study of palynostratigraphy of the Devonian of western Europe. 1986
details Scythian Anisian Israel Eshet,Y. et al. Palynozonation and correlation of the Permo-Triassic succession in the Negev, Israel. 1986
details Late Pliocene Pleistocene USA(Gulf of Mexico) Wrenn,J.H. et al. Preliminary comments on Miocene through Pleistocene dinoflagellate cysts from De Soto Canyon, Gulf of Mexico. 1986
original Toarcian Aalenian Sweden Guy-Ohlson,D. Jurassic palynology of the Vilhelmsfalt Bore No.1, Scania, Sweden, Toarcian-Aalennian. 1986
original Early Cambrian China(Kirin) Yin,L.-M. Acritarchs. (In: Aspects of Cambrian-Ordovician boundary in Dayangcha, China. J.-Y.Chen, editor) 1986
details Westphalian S.Ireland(Wexford) Clayton,G. et al. Carboniferous (Dinantian and Silesian) and Permo-Triassic rocks in South County Wexford, Ireland. 1986
original Early Ypresian Belgium De Coninck,J. Organic walled microfossils of the Lower Ypresian of Quenast. 1986
details Early Triassic USSR(Siberia) Obonitskaya,E.K. Lower Triassic palynocomplexes of Middle Siberia. (In: Biostratigraphy of the Mesozoic of Siberia and the Far East. A.L.Yanshin et al, editors) 1986