Veryhachium sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Tertiary India(Tripura) Salujha,S.K. et al. Palynostratigraphy of Tertiary sediments of the Tulamura Anticline, Tripura. 1979
details Devonian Early Carboniferous Bulgaria Sergeeva,L.A. et al. On the Paleozoic age of the metamorphic rocks in Stradza 1979
details Paleozoic Bulgaria Sergeeva,L.A. et al. On the Paleozoic age of the metamorphic rocks in Stradza 1979
original Late Permian Poland Jerzykiewicz,J. First locality of Upper Permian spores in the North-Sudetic Synclinoirium 1979
details Scythian Ladinian Canada(Arctic) Ford,J.H. Palynology of Triassic and Jurassic Field samples, cores and cuttings from the Sverdrup Basin of Arctic Canada 1979
details Early Anisian USSR(Mangyshlak ASSR) Nuralin,N.N. et al. On the stratigraphy of Mangyshlak Karatair 1979
original Riphean India(Himachal Pradesh) Singh,R.Y. et al. Palynology of the rocksalt deposits of Mandi and its implications on the age of the Shali Formations. (In: Upper Palaeozoics of the Himalaya. V.J.Gupta, editor) 1979
details Late Visean France(Finistere) Coquel,R. et al. New palynological data of the Devonian and Carboniferous of Feulle and Huelgoat (northern border of the Chateaulin Basin). 1979
details Middle Cambrian Late Cambrian USSR(Pre-Urals) Timofeev,B.V. Microphytofossils of the Precambrian and Cambrian of northern Eurasia. (In: Paleontology of the Precambrian and Early Cambrian.) 1979
details Late Eocene Canada(Eastern Offshore) Barss,M.S. et al. A palynological zonation and correlation of Sixty-Seven wells, 1979
details Late Eocene Canada(Eastern Offshore) Barss,M.S. et al. A palynological zonation and correlation of Sixty-Seven wells, 1979
details Precambriam Cambrian India(Madhya Pradesh) Venkatachala,B.S. Precambrian palynology;a review. (In: Proceedings of Colloquium on Paleontological Studies in Southern Region. M.V.A. Sastry et al editors) 1979
details Early Llandoverian New York Miller,M.A. et al. Palynomorphs from the Silurian Medina Group (Lower Llandovery), of the Naigara Gorge, Lewiston, New York, USA. 1980
details Late Famennian Tournaisian Algeria Attar,A. et al. Palynological study of Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous d'Illizi Basin (Fort Polignac), Algeria. 1980
details Visean Algeria Attar,A. et al. Palynological study of Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous d'Illizi Basin (Fort Polignac), Algeria. 1980
details Tremadocian Llanvirnian Argentina(Salta) Volkheimer,W. et al. An Ordovician microflora from the Mojotoro Formation, Salta Province. 1980
details Late Toarcian USSR(Caucasus) Petrosyants,M.A. Quantitative differences in the content of spectra in an Upper Toarcian palyno-Complex, (River Chegem, North Caucasus). 1980