Veryhachium sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Middle Telychian Paraguay Gray,J. et al. A new record of Early Silurian-age land plant spores from the Parana Basin, Paraguay (Malvinokaffric Realm). 1992
details Barremian Spitsbergen Grosfjeld,K. Palynoligocal age constraints on the base of the Helvetiafjellet Formation, (Barremian) on Spitsbergen. 1992
details Barremian Aptian Indian Ocean Helby,R.J. et al. A preliminary report of Early Cretaceous dinocyst floras from Site 765, Argo Abyssal Plain, Northwest Australia. 1992
details Eifelian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Chibrikova,E.V. et al. Eifelian deposits of the Perebovoy range in North Caucasus 1992
details Late Arenigian Early Llanvirnian Czechoslovakia VavrdovЎ,M. Excystment opening and the affinities of acritarchs. 1992
details Tremadocian Early Arenigian Czechoslovakia Fatka,O. Early Arenig acritarchs from the Lower Klabava Formation (Prague Basin, Czechoslovakia). 1992
details Early Llanvirnian Belgium Servais,T. et al. Lower Llanvirn (Ordovician) graptolites and acritarchs from the Assise de Huy Bande de Sambre-et-Beuse, Belgium. 1992
details Early Llanvirnian Belgium Servais,T. et al. Lower Llanvirn (Ordovician) graptolites and acritarchs from the Assise de Huy Bande de Sambre-et-Beuse, Belgium. 1992
details Middle Arenigian Llanvirnian France(Normandie) Paris,F. et al. Palaeozoic in Western Brittany, (outline of the Armorican geological history and geological Itinerary in Crozon Peninsula). 1992
details Early Smithian Madagascar Hankel,O. Early Triassic plant microfossils from Sakamena sediments of the Majunga Basin, Madagascar 1993
details Late Permian Greenland Christiansen,F.G. et al. Depositional environment and organic geochemistry of Upper Permian Ravnefjeld Formation source rock in East Greenland 1993
details Ashgillian Belgium Tourneur,F. et al. A preliminary study of Ashgil Carbonate Beds from the Lower Part of the Fosses Formation (Condroz, Belgium). 1993
details Late Artinskian Griesbachian Norway(Svalbard) Mangerud,G. et al. Palynology of the Permian succession of Spitsbergen, Svalbard. 1993
details Llanvirnian Llandeilian E.Germany(Rostock) Servais,T. et al. Acritarch dating of Ordovician sediments of the Island of Rugen (NE.Germany). 1993
details Middle Oligocene Early Miocene E.Germany Strauss,C. Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of marine microplancton with in the Oligocene-Middle Miocene of East Germany. 1993
details Late Pliensbachian Bajocian Denmark Seidenkrantz,M.S. et al. Biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental analysis of a Lower to Middle Jurassic succession on Anholt, Denmark. 1993
details Eocene India(Assam) Kumar,A. Biozonation and depositional environments of the Tertiary outcrop section along the Silchar-Haflong Road, Cachar District, Southern Assam. 1993