Veryhachium sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
original Llandoverian Wenlockian Czechoslovakia PacltovŠŽ,B. The methodology and new technique of micropaleontological study of metamorphic rocks. (In: Correlation of the Proterozoic and Paleozoic Stratiform deposits VII) 1984
original Silurian Czechoslovakia Krause,J. et al. Results of the micropaleontological study of the Travna-Ladek Unit in Rychleby Mts. (In: Correlation of the Proterozoic and Paleozoic Stratiform deposits Vii-Z.Pouba-Ed) 1984
details Late Ladinian Early Norian France(Alpes,Cote d'Azur) Adloff,M.C. et al. Palynostratigraphic zones in the Triassic Series cut by boreholes in Jura and Bas-Dauphine. 1984
details Late Cambrian USSR(Leningrad) Borovko,N.G. et al. The reference section of Cambrian and Ordovician boundry sediments at North-West Russian Plate (Izhora River) 1984
original Early Cambrian Poland Gunia,T. Microfossils from the Quartzitic Schists in the vicinity of Goszow, Snieznik Klodzki Massif, Central Sudetis. 1984
details Precambriam India(Andhra Pradesh) Viswanathiah,M.N. et al. Microfossils from the Gandikota Quartzites of the Chatravati Group, Cuddapah Supergroup, Andhra Pradesh 1984
details Late Carboniferous Early Permian Australia(Tasmania) Truswell,E.M. Palynology. (In: The stratigraphy of a Late Palaeozoic borehole section at Douglas River, eastern Tasmania; A Synthesis of marine macro-Invertebrate and palynological data. Calver, C.R. Clarke, M.J. and Truswell, E.M.) 1984
details Pridolian Missouri Colbath,G.K. A comparison of palynological extraction techniques using samples from the Silurian Bambridge Formation, Missouri, USA. 1985
details Artinskian Capitanian Canada(Arctic) Utting,J. Preliminary results of palynological studies of the Permian and Lowermost Triassic sediments, Sabine Peninsula, Melville Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. 1985
details Llandoverian Brazil(Mato Grosso) Gray,J. et al. Silurian age fossils from the Paleozoic Parana Basin, Southern Brazil 1985
details Llandoverian Gray,J. et al. Silurian age fossils from the Paleozoic Parana Basin, Southern Brazil 1985
details Aptian Albian Alaska Mull,C.G. Cretaceous tectonics, depositional cycles, and the Nanushuk Group, Brooks Range and Arctic Slope, Alaska. (In: Geology of Nanushuk Group and related Rocks, North Slope Alaska. A.C.Huffman, Jr., editor) 1985
details Givetian Kentucky Wood,G.D. et al. Organic-walled microphytoplankton and chitinozoans from the Middle Devonian, (Givetian) Boyle Dolomite of Kentucky, USA. 1985
details Hettangian Oxfordian USSR(Siberia) Ilyina,V.I. Jurassic marine and nonmarine palynostratigraphy of Siberia. 1985
original Late Muschelkalk Early Lettenkeuper France(Rhin,Bas) Duringer,P. et al. Palynology-A means of characteristing marine and Continental facies at the Upper Muschelkalk-Latten Kohle boundary 1985
original Late Muschelkalk Early Lettenkeuper W.Germany(Hesse) Duringer,P. et al. Palynology-A means of characteristing marine and Continental facies at the Upper Muschelkalk-Latten Kohle boundary 1985
original Late Muschelkalk W.Germany(Hesse) Reitz,E. Triassic palynology of northern Hessen and Southern Niedersachsen 1985