Veryhachium sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Aptian Early Albian China(Tsinghai) Yu,J. et al. Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous palynological assemblages from Minhe Basin, Qinghai and Gansu Provinces. 1982
details Aptian Early Albian China(Kansu) Yu,J. et al. Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous palynological assemblages from Minhe Basin, Qinghai and Gansu Provinces. 1982
details Cenomanian Turonian France(Indre-et-Loire) Foucher,J.-C. Dinoflagellate cysts from the Cenomanian and Turonian of Saumurois and Tourane, (Paris Basin, France). 1982
details Bajocian Gonzales-Amicon,O.R. et al. Palynological data from the Bajocian Cura Niyeu Formation of Sierra de Chacai, Neuquina, Argentina. 1982
details Carnian Australia(Queensland) McKellar,J.L. Palynostratigraphy of samples from GSQ Ipswich 26. 1982
details Cambrian Tremadocian USSR(Estonian SSR) Volkova,N.A. The age of the Ulgazek Series at the Cambrian - Ordovician contact in Estonia. 1982
details Late Gothlandian Early Devonian Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. Review of biostratigraphical research on Low-Grade Metasediments in the West Carpathians. (In: Correlation of Prevariscan and Veriscan events of the Alpine-Mediterranean Mountain Belt. F.P.Sassi and M.Julivert, editors) 1982
details Early Triassic USSR(Krasnoyarsk Kray) Krugovykh,V.V. et al. The age and structure of the "Bowl" deposits of magnetite ore mineralization Inf the Kychet Iron-Ore deposit, (on the Siberian Platform). 1982
details Neocomian USSR(WSL) Klimushina,L.P. et al. Palynological analysis of oils of Samotlor Field 1982
details Sinemurian Hungary Bona,J. Contributions to the palynostratigraphic Division of the Upper Triassic and Lower Liassic in the Mecsek Mts. 1982
details Late Anisian Carnian Italy Eem,J.G.L.A.Van Der et al. Aspects of Middle and Late Triassic palynology.6. palynological investigations in the Ladinian and Lower Karnian of the Western Dolomites, Italy. 1983
details Ypresian Belgium De Coninck,J. et al. The Mont-Heribu Member: Base of the Leper Formation in the Belgian Basin. 1983
details Ludlovian Couvinian Bolivia Kimyai,A. Paleozoic Microphyloplankton from South America 1983
details Aalenian England(Gloucestershire) Riding,J.B. The palynology of the Aalenian (Middle Jurassic) sediments of Jackdaw Quarry, Gloucestershire, England. 1983
details Visean Spain Wagner,R.H. et al. Mississippian floras of the Sierra Morena, southwest Spain. (In: Contributions to the Carboniferous Geology and Paleontology of the Iberian Peninsula. M.J.Lemos de Sousa, editor) 1983
details Late Muschelkalk Keuper Poland Orlowska-Zwolinska,T. Palynostratigraphy of the Upper Part of Triassic Epicontinental sediments in Poland 1983
details Middle Cambrian Late Cambrian Romania Iliescu,V. et al. New palynological proofs of the Cambrian age of the Tulghes Group, (East Carpathians). 1983