Veryhachium sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Cambrian Tremadocian Canada(Newfoundland) Martin,F. et al. Middle and Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician acritarchs from Random Island, Eastern Newfoundland. 1981
details Nd France(Aude) Cocchio,A.M. Lower Paleozoic microflora of (Corbieres, Aude, France). 1981
details Toarcian Australia(Queensland) McKellar,J.L. Palynostratigraphy of samples from GSQ Ipswich 24 and 25. 1981
details Givetian Ohio Wicander,R. et al. Systematics and biostratigraphy of the organic-walled microphytoplankton from the Middle Devonian, (Givetian), Silica Formation, Ohio, USA. 1981
details Givetian Ohio Wicander,R. et al. Systematics and biostratigraphy of the organic-walled microphytoplankton from the Middle Devonian, (Givetian), Silica Formation, Ohio, USA. 1981
details Arenigian Ireland Smith,D.G. Progress in Irish Lower Palaeozoic palynology. 1981
details Llandoverian Wenlockian Ireland Smith,D.G. Progress in Irish Lower Palaeozoic palynology. 1981
details Santonian France(Seine-Maritim) Foucher,J.-C. et al. The micropaleontological examination of the embedding flints of two Cretaceous Asterias of Normandy which permit a more precise dating. 1981
details Early Paleozoic Czechoslovakia Kinec,A. et al. On the problem of the stratigraphic Unit Hladomorna Dolina Group 1981
original Late Eocene Oklahoma SnopkovЎ,P. et al. Microplankton from Paleogene sedimentary rocks of West Carpathians 1981
original Late Permian Poland DybovЎ-Jachowiczowa,S. The palynological assemblage from Upper Permian of Poland 1981
details Late Permian Poland DybovЎ-Jachowiczowa,S. The palynological assemblage from Upper Permian of Poland 1981
details Spathian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Yaroshenko,O.P. et al. Palinologic characteristic of the Lower Triassic sediments of Timano-Pecherskaya Province and adjacent Regions 1981
details Tremadocian Algeria Baudelot,S. et al. Discovery of the Lower Ordovician, dated by acritarchs, on the East of the Petite Kabylie (Algeria); Structural consequences. 1981
details Late Albian Cenomanian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Yorath,C.J. et al. Cretaceous and Tertiary stratigraphy and paleogeography northern Interior Plains, District of MacKenzie. 1981
details Stephanian A Stephanian B Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. et al. Biostratigraphic evaluation of Graphiteous Shales in the Zemplin Inselberg area (Eastern Slovakia). 1981
details Hettangian Pliensbachian USSR(Siberia) Ilyina,V.I. Subdivision and correlation of Jurassic deposits in Central and eastern Siberia, on the basis of palynological data 1981