Tuberculatisporites brevispiculus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Westphalian B Westphalian C France(Pas-de-Calais) Corsin,P.M. et al. On the vertical and horizontal palynologic composition of a sedimentary cycle of the Carboniferous 1967
details Carboniferous Nd Corsin,P.M. et al. Concerning the genus Tuberculatisporites. 1967
details Westphalian France(Pas-de-Calais) Loboziak,S. et al. The micro and megaspores of the Faisceau de Dusouich in the Groupe de Lens, (H.B.N.P.C.). 1968
details Nd Nd Spinner,E. Contribution on the megaspore genus Tuberculatisporites (Ibrahim)Potonie and Kremp,1954. 1968
details Nd Nd Spinner,E. Contribution on the megaspore genus Tuberculatisporites (Ibrahim)Potonie and Kremp,1954. 1968
details Namurian B Early Westphalian A Poland GŠ³recka,T. Stratigraphy of the Bialy Kamien Beds in the northwestern part of the Intra-Sudetic Trough on the Ground of palynological research. (In: Geological research in the Lower Silesian Region) 1969
details Late Westphalian B Westphalian C France(Paris Basin) Loboziak,S. The micro and megaspores of the western part of the Bassin Houiller of northern France, stratigraphic applicationsin the study of several boreholes. 1969
details France(Lorraine) Loboziak,S. The micro and megaspores of the western part of the northern Coal Basin of France. 1971
details Carboniferous Poland Jachowicz,A. Flora of the Carboniferous:Microflora 1972
details Carboniferous Poland Jachowicz,A. Flora of the Carboniferous:Microflora 1972
details Late Namurian Late Westphalian A France(Pas-de-Calais) Loboziak,S. A Namurian or Lower Westphalian microflora from the Napoleon Quarry, Ferques, (Pas-de-Calais), France. 1972
details Westphalian A Westphalian B France(Pas-de-Calais) Loboziak,S. Contribution to the knowledge of the Lower Westphalian 1972
details Westphalian D England(Gloucestershire) Wagner,R.H. et al. The stratigraphic implications of the Westphalian D, macro and microflora of the Forest of Dean Coalfield, (Gloucestershire), England. 1972
details Westphalian A Turkey Loboziak,S. et al. On the Early Westphalian age of the coal seams underlying the "Faille du Midi" in the Gallery. 200/34400A of the Caydamarmines, (Turkey), by means of their palynological, (microspores an megaspores), study. 1973
details Late Carboniferous France(Rhin,Bas) Lachkar,G. Megaspores of the Saar-Lorraine Coal Basin. a systematic study and statistical application to the Upper Carboniferous stratigraphy. 1975
details Late Carboniferous W.Germany(Saarland) Lachkar,G. Megaspores of the Saar-Lorraine Coal Basin. a systematic study and statistical application to the Upper Carboniferous stratigraphy. 1975
details Namurian A Stephanian C Germany Braman,D.R. et al. The stratigraphic and geographic distribution of Carboniferous megaspores. 1980