details |
Aptian |
Early Cenomanian |
India(Tamil Nadu) |
Venkatachala,B.S. Fossil floral assemblages in the east coast Gondwana -a critical review. (In: Oil Exploration in the East Coast of India; Stratigraphic and Palaeontological Aspects.) |
1977 |
details |
Aptian |
Early Albian |
India(Tamil Nadu) |
Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Stratigraphic implication of Late Gondwana floras in the east coast. (In: Concepts, limits and extension of the Indian Gondwana. B.S.Venkatachala and H.K.Maheshwari, editors) |
1988 |
details |
Aptian |
Turonian |
Alaska |
Kimyai,A. Palynological assemblages of the Cretaceous sediments in the Fish Creek test Well No.1, North Slope, Alaska |
1992 |
details |
Aptian |
France(Aquitaine) |
Taugourdeau-Lantz,J. et al. Spores and pollensof the Keuper, Jurassic, and Lower Cretaceous of Aquitaine. |
1959 |
details |
Aptian |
Canada(Alberta) |
Singh,C. Microflora of the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group, east-central Alberta. |
1964 |
details |
Aptian |
England |
Dжring,H. Spore-stratigraphic comparison between the Wealdean of northern Germany and of Southern England |
1966 |
details |
Aptian |
Albian |
Spain |
Esteras,M.M. et al. Palynologic observations on the microflora of the Lignitic Utrillas (Teruel) Basin |
1964 |
details |
Aptian |
Hungary |
Potonie,R. Synopsis of the genera of the sporae dispersae. Part 4. Supplement to all Groups, (Turmae). |
1966 |
details |
Aptian |
USSR(Kazakh SSR) |
Shvetsova,E.M. Spore and pollen assemblages of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the eastern Ustyurt. (In: Mikrofossilii Drevneishikh Otlozhenii. T.F.Vozzhennikova and T.B.Timofeev, editors) |
1973 |
details |
Aptian |
Poland |
Mamczar,J. The stratigraphy of the Barremian to Middle Albian sediments in the Polish Lowland according to studies of microspores. (In: Mikrofossilii Drevneishikh Otlozhenii. T.F.Vozzhennikova and T.B.Timofeev, editors) |
1973 |
details |
Aptian |
Romania |
Baltes,N. Palynological contributions to the knowledge of Cretaceous deposits in the eastern Carpathian Foreland. |
1974 |
details |
Aptian |
Romania |
Baltes,N. Palynological contributions to the knowledge of the stratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous deposits in Dobrogea |
1974 |
details |
Aptian |
Albian |
Canada(Nova Scotia) |
King,L.H. et al. Cretaceous strata on the Scotian Shelf. |
1970 |
details |
Aptian |
Egypt |
El-Beialy,S.Y. Datation and palaeoenvironmental interpretation by microplankton and miospore assemblages of the Razzak Oil Field sediments, Western Desert, Egypt. |
1995 |
details |
Aptian |
Albian |
China(Heilungkiang) |
Wu,H. Sporo-pollen assemblages of Dongshan and Houshigou Formations in Jixi Basin of Heilongjiang Province |
1992 |
details |
Aptian |
Gabon |
Wood,G.D. et al. Palynology, palynofacies, paleoenvironments and geochemistry of Lower Cretaceous (Pre-Salt) Cocobeach Group, North Gabon Subbas Gabon. |
1997 |
details |
Aptian |
Argentina(Patagonia) |
Vallati,P. A microflora with Afropollis (angiosperm pollen) from the Lower Cretaceous of the Neuquen Basin. |
1995 |