Appendicisporites tricornitatus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Cretaceous Peru Volkheimer,W. Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous microfloras of Latin America. 1980
details Barremian Argentina(Patagonia) Volkheimer,W. Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous microfloras of Latin America. 1980
details Cenomanian New York Kimyai,A. Plant microfossils from the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in Long Island. 1970
details Late Cretaceous Portugal Kedves,M. et al. The principle spore type of the Upper Cretaceous of Portugal 1996
details Middle Eocene W.Germany(Hesse) Krutzsch,W. Micropaleontologic (spore paleontology), investigation of the Brown Coal of the Geiseltal. 1959
details Middle Eocene W.Germany(Hesse) Krutzsch,W. Micropaleontologic (spore paleontology), investigation of the Brown Coal of the Geiseltal. 1959
details Early Cretaceous China(Kansu) Chiang,T.-C. et al. Early Cretaceous palynological assemblage of the Huahai Basin, Western Kansu 1978
details Pliocene Pleistocene W.Germany(N.Rhine) Ashraf,A.R. et al. Palynology and palynostratigraphy of the Neogene of the Lower Rhine Embayment. Part 1:Spores 1995
details Late Aptian Early Cenomanian Romania Antonescu,E. Characteristic palynologic assemblages of some Cretaceous Formations in the Metaliferi Mountains. 1973
details Late Aptian Early Cenomanian Romania Antonescu,E. Characteristic palynologic assemblages of some Cretaceous Formations in the Metaliferi Mountains. 1973
details Aptian Albian China(Heilungkiang) Wu,H. Sporo-pollen assemblages of Dongshan and Houshigou Formations in Jixi Basin of Heilongjiang Province 1992
details Neocomian Argentina(San Luis) Bonaparte,J.F. The Mesozoic fossils. (In: The Geology of the Province of San Luis) 1981
details Late Albian India(Tamil Nadu) Patil,R.S. et al. Occurrence of Botryococcus from the Lower Cretaceous rocks of Cauvery Basin, Tamil Nadu. 1995
details Late Barremian Middle Aptian W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Lister,J.K. et al. Palynostratigraphy of the Barremian-Aptian succession in the Wiechendorf 1/86 and Hoheneggelsen Kb9 boreholes in the Lower Saxony Basin, North Germany. (In: The Barremian-Aptian Boundary. A Study of profiles from the boreal Cretaceous.E.Kemper, editor) 1995
details Early Senonian Japan(Honshu I.) Miki,A. Palynological study of the Kuji Group in Northeastern Honshu, Japan. 1972
details Purbeckian Valanginian Poland Mamczar,J. Palynological stratigraphy of Beds at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the Kujawy area. 1966
details Neocomian Argentina(San Luis) Yrigoyen,M.R. The Cretaceous age of the Gigante Group (San Luis) and its relation with surrounding basins. 1975