
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Pliocene Pleistocene Poland Sadowska,A. Notes on recent palynological investigations of Tertiary Clay sediments in the Sudeten Mountains 1975
details Middle Eocene Late Eocene France(Gironde) Caratini,C. Palynology of two Eocene detrital formations in Southern Bordelais (Gironde); Evidence from the vegetation shows a warm an humid climate, but not a typical tropical one. 1975
details Eocene Canada(Yukon) Hopkins,W.S. et al. Some coalbearing Eocene Sediments and comments on their combined microflora Cliff Creek, Yukon Territory. 1975
details Late Miocene France(Ardeche) Naud,G. et al. Contribution to the paleofloristic study of Coirons (Ardeche) 1975
details Middle Miocene Late Miocene Poland Sadowska,A. Results of palynological investigations in Neogene sediments of Southwest Poland. 1975
details Late Neogene Poland Sadowska,A. Results of palynological investigations in Neogene sediments of Southwest Poland. 1975
details Late Oligocene Early Miocene Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. et al. The palynologic characteristics of the Egerian and microfloristic correlation of the Groups in Czechoslovaka, Hungary and Austria. 1975
details Late Neogene USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Skiba,L.A. The history of the Deveolpment of Kamchatka vegetation during the Late Cenozoic. 1975
details Late Tertiary Villafranchian Algeria Beucher,F. Palynological study of the Neogene and Quaternary formations of the northwestern Sahara. 1975
details Miocene Idaho Smiley,C.J. et al. Preservation of Miocene fossils in Unoxidized Lake deposits, Clarkia, Idaho 1975
details Tarkhanian USSR(Georgian SSR) Ananiashvili,G.D. et al. Palynological features of Tarkhanian deposits of Western Georgia, (Racha-Lechkhumi Snycline). 1976
details Paleocene Eocene Canada(NWT) Norris,G. Palynolostratigraphic study of Ioe Taglu C-42 (In: Imperial Taglu C-42, NWT). 1976
details Late Pannonian Hungary Mihaltz-Farago,M. Palynological analysis of borehole Egyek-1 1976
details Paleocene Miocene USSR(Far East) Lobanov,V.V. et al. Spore/Pollen complexes of Cenozoic deposit section on Southern Chaun Bay coast and some problems of Chaun-Chukota palaeogeography. (In: Palynology in Continental and Marine Geologic Investigations) 1976
details Early Tertiary USSR(Yakut ASSR) Fradkina,A.F. et al. Paleogene spore-pollen complexes of Western Yakutija. (In: Contributions to Paleophytology of Siberia. A.F.Khlonova, editor) 1976
details Late Neogene Early Pleistocene France(Herault) Suc,J.-P. Some fossil guides in the paleoclimatological study of the Pliocene and Lower Pleistocene of Languedoc (France). 1976
details Late Miocene New Jersey Rachele,L.D. Palynology of the Legler Lignite: a deposit in the Tertiary Cohansey formation of New Jersey, U.S.A. 1976