Osmundacidites wellmanii

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Middle Rhaetian Late Rhaetian Austria Karle,U. Palynostratigraphical investigation of a Rhaeto-Lias Profile at the Fonsjoch, Achensee (Northern Limestone Alps, Austria). 1984
details Sinemurian Aalenian Sweden Guy-Ohlson,D. et al. Lower Jurassic biostratigraphy of the Oppegard Bore No.1, northwest Scania, Sweden. 1984
details Cretaceous Atlantic Ocean Bair,J. et al. Palynology of some Lower Cretaceous sediments from the Malvinas area, South Atlantic 1984
details Late Eocene Early Oligocene PŠ¶the de Baldis,E.D. Cenozoic microflora (Addendum the Actual microflora). 1984
details Late Carnian Arizona Fisher,M.J. et al. Palynology of the Petrified Forest Member of the Chinle Formation, (Upper Triassic), Arizona, USA. 1984
details Middle Jurassic China(N.China) Miao,S. et al. Spores and pollen. Mesozoic spores and pollen. (In: Paleontological Atlas of North China.III.Micropaleontological Volume.) 1984
details Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous Canada(British Columbia) Sweet,A.R. Appendix 3: Palynology. (In: Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Depositional Environments of the Coal-bearing Jurassic-Cretaceous Kootenay Group, Alberta and British Columbia. D.W. Gibson, editor) 1985
details Norian Liassic Australia(Queensland) McKellar,J.L. Biostratigraphy of spore-pollen floras from the Caloundra to Nambour area, Nambour Basin. 1985
details Bajocian Bathonian Italy(Sardinia) Del Rio,M. Palynology of Middle Jurassic Black organic Shale of "Tacco di Laconi" Central Sardinia, Italy. 1985
details Djulfian Smithian New Zealand(S.I.) Crosbie,Y.M. Permian palynomorphs from the Kuriwao Group, Southland, New Zealand. 1985
details Oligocene India(Assam) Singh,R.Y. et al. Palynology of the Barail Sediments in the States of Assam and Meghalaya, India. 1985
details Valanginian China(Kiangsi) Yu,J. et al. Cretaceous spore pollen in Jiangxi Province. 1985
details Late Eocene Middle Miocene China(Qinghai) Zhu,Z. et al. A research on Tertiary palynology from the Qaidam Basin, Qinghai Province. 1985
details Early Jurassic Albian China(Liaoning) Pu,R. et al. Mesozoic sporo-pollen assemblages in Western Lliaoning and their stratigraphical significance. (In: Mesozoic stratigraphy and palaeontology of Western Liaoning. L.Zhang et al, editor) 1985
details Middle Eocene Miocene Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Norris,G. Systematic and stratigraphic palynology of the Eocene to Pliocene strata in the Imperial Nuktak C-22 Well, MacKenzie Delta Region, District of MacKenzie, NWT. 1986
details Maastrichtian Wyoming Farabee,M.J. et al. Stratigraphic palynology of the lower part of the Lance Formation, (Maestrichtian) of Wyoming. 1986
details Early Keuper W.Germany(Bavaria) Heunisch,C. Palynology of the Lower Keuper of Franconia, South Germany 1986