Osmundacidites wellmanii

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Jurassic China(Shantung) Li,W.-B. et al. Jurassic spora-pollen assemblage from Yanshou, southwestern Shandong. (In: Papers for the 5th International Palynological Conference.) 1980
details Middle Albian Virginia Reinhardt,J. et al. Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy of the core. 1980
details Early Cretaceous Antarctica Domack,E.W. et al. Lower Cretaceous sediment from the East Antarctic Continental Shelf. 1980
details Bathonian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Kazakova,Z.I. et al. New data on Mesozoic-Cenozoic palynology of the Caspian Sea. 1980
details Liassic Australia(Queensland) McKellar,J.L. Palynostratigraphy of samples from GSQ Monto 3 and 4. 1980
details Albian Australia(Queensland) McKellar,J.L. Palynostratigraphy of the Burrum Coal Measures in Fairymead NS1, Maryborough Basin. 1980
details Toarcian Late Aptian Australia(Queensland) McKellar,J.L. Palynostratigraphy of the Tiaro Coal Measures and Maryborough Formation in GSQ Maryborough 2. 1980
details Senonian China(Hupei) Wang,D.-N. et al. Late Cretaceous - Early Paleogene sporopollen assemblages of the Jianghan Basin and their stratigraphical significane. 1980
details Paleocene China(Hupei) Wang,D.-N. et al. Late Cretaceous - Early Paleogene sporopollen assemblages of the Jianghan Basin and their stratigraphical significane. 1980
details Aptian Albian China(Heilungkiang) Tao,J.-R. et al. The Cretaceous floras of Lindian Xian, Heilongjiang Province. 1980
details Early Cretaceous Australia(NSW) Martin,H.A. Stratigraphic palynology from shallow Bores in the Namoi River and Gwydir River Valleys, North-Central New South Waes. 1980
details Early Valanginian Middle Valanginian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) McIntyre,D.J. et al. Valanginian miospore and microplankton assemblages from the northern Richardson Mountains, District of MacKenzie, Canada. 1980
details Albian Cenomanian India(Gujarat) Mathur,Y.K. Dharesi-The highest Mesozoic plant Bed of Kutch, its age and implications of plant Beds in biostratigraphy. 1980
details Early Albian Spain Arias,C. et al. Aptian-Albian boundary in the Mompichel Area (Albacete, Spain). 1980
details Triassic China(Shensi) Qu,Y. Spores and pollen (Triassic). (In: Mesozoic Stratigraphy and Palaeontology of the Shan-Gan-Ning Basin.) 1980
details Jurassic China(Shensi) Xu,Y. et al. Spores and pollen (Jurassic). (In: Mesozoic Stratigraphy and Palaeontology of the Shan-Gan-Ning Basin.) 1980
details Late Volgian Valanginian Canada(Arctic) Christie,R.L. et al. Stratigraphical sections and palynological reports from Mesozoic rocks at Lake Hazen, Ellesmere Island. 1980