Osmundacidites wellmanii

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Berriasian Valanginian Chile Baldoni,A.M. et al. Palynology of the Springhill Formation, (Lower Cretaceous), subsurface Argentina and southern Chile. 1983
details Neocomian Aptian India(Andhra Pradesh) Rao,P.V.R. et al. Palynology of the Gangapur Beds, Pranhita-Godavari Basin, Andhra Pradesh. 1983
details Early Ladinian Late Ladinian Italy Eem,J.G.L.A.Van Der et al. Aspects of Middle and Late Triassic palynology.6. palynological investigations in the Ladinian and Lower Karnian of the Western Dolomites, Italy. 1983
details Late Jurassic Cretaceous India Maheshwari,H.K. et al. Cretaceous spore pollen complexes from India. (In: Cretaceous of India : Proceedings of the Symposium on "Cretaceous of India - Palaeoecology, Palaeogeography and Time Boundaries". K.H.Maheshwari, editor) 1983
details Early Cretaceous India Maheshwari,H.K. et al. Cretaceous spore pollen complexes from India. (In: Cretaceous of India : Proceedings of the Symposium on "Cretaceous of India - Palaeoecology, Palaeogeography and Time Boundaries". K.H.Maheshwari, editor) 1983
details Early Cretaceous India Maheshwari,H.K. et al. Cretaceous spore pollen complexes from India. (In: Cretaceous of India : Proceedings of the Symposium on "Cretaceous of India - Palaeoecology, Palaeogeography and Time Boundaries". K.H.Maheshwari, editor) 1983
details Albian China(Manchuria) Yu,J. et al. Cretaceous palynological assemblages from the District South of the Songhua River. 1983
details Middle Senonian Late Senonian China(Manchuria) Yu,J. et al. Cretaceous palynological assemblages from the District South of the Songhua River. 1983
details Tithonian Barremian Antarctica Askin,R.A. Tithonian (Uppermost Jurassic) Barremian, (Lower Cretaceous), spores, pollen and microplankton from the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. (In: Antarctic Earth Science. R.L. Oliver et al, editors) 1983
details Early Oligocene Atlantic Ocean Brattseva,G.M. Spores and pollen from Cenozoic sediments of the Falkland Plateau, Site 511, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71. 1983
details Callovian Early Albian Atlantic Ocean Kotova,I.Z. Palynological study of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sediments Site 511, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71, (Falkland Plateau). 1983
details Valanginian North Sea Dunay,R.E. et al. Stratigraphic correlation of the Vlieland and Delfland Units in the Dutch Offshore, based on palynology. (In: Petroleum Geology of Southeast North Sea and the Adjacent Onshore Areas. J.P.H. Kaasschieter and T.J.A. Reijers, editors) 1983
details Berriasian Valanginian Argentina(Tierra) Baldoni,A.M. et al. Palynology of the Springhill Formation, (Early Cretaceous), Austral Basin of Argentina and Chile. 1983
details Berriasian Valanginian Chile Baldoni,A.M. et al. Palynology of the Springhill Formation, (Early Cretaceous), Austral Basin of Argentina and Chile. 1983
details Aalenian England(Gloucestershire) Riding,J.B. The palynology of the Aalenian (Middle Jurassic) sediments of Jackdaw Quarry, Gloucestershire, England. 1983
details Early Triassic Middle Keuper China(Sinkiang Uighur) Zhang,L. On the age of Badaowan Formation in northern Xinjiang 1983
details Late Rhaetian Early Hettangian England Warrington,G. Late Triassic and Earliest Jurassic palynomorph assemblages from the Western English Channel and neighbouring areas. 1983