Osmundacidites wellmanii

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link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Aptian Albian W.Germany(N.Rhine) Grebe,H. Lower Cretaceous filling of the Nehden Karst cave in Sauerland. 2.Microspore associations, determination of age and an attempt to associate microflora with Parent plants. 1982
details Jurassic Albian Australia(Queensland) Burger,D. Palynological examination of Late Mesozoic sediments in GSQ Hughenden 7, and notes on geological events in the northern Eromanga Basin. 1982
details Early Triassic China(Kwangtung) Ouyang,S. et al. Early Triassic palynological assemblage in Dengfeng, Northwestern Henan. 1982
details Middle Jurassic China(Kansu) Du,B.-A. et al. Sporo-pollen assemblages from Yanan and Zhiluo Formations in Chongxin County, Gansu Province. 1982
details Oligocene India(Assam) Singh,R.K. Development of Palaeogene palynostratigraphy in northeast India. (In: Cenozoic stratigraphy and palynology in India.) 1982
details Oligocene India(West Bengal) Singh,R.K. Development of Palaeogene palynostratigraphy in northeast India. (In: Cenozoic stratigraphy and palynology in India.) 1982
details Barremian China(Inner Mongolia) Miao,S.-J. Spores and pollen. 1982
details Albian Cenomanian Canada(Ontario) Fensome,R.A. et al. Palynostratigraphic comparison of Cretaceous of the Moose River Basin, Ontario, with marginal marine assemblages from the Scotian Shelf and Alberta. 1982
details Albian Cenomanian Canada(Alberta) Fensome,R.A. et al. Palynostratigraphic comparison of Cretaceous of the Moose River Basin, Ontario, with marginal marine assemblages from the Scotian Shelf and Alberta. 1982
details Middle Triassic Australia(Queensland) Playford,G. et al. A Middle Triassic flora from the Moolayember Formation, Bowen Basin, Queensland. 1982
details Middle Albian Portugal M©dus,J. Palynofloristic correlations of two Albian sections of Portugal 1982
details Middle Albian Canada(Ontario) Norris,G. Mesozoic palynology of the Moose River Basin. (In: Mesozoic geology and mineral potential of Moose River Basin. I.G.Telford and H.M.Verma, editor) 1982
details Aptian Albian China(Inner Mongolia) Guo,Z. Sporopollen study of the Cretaceous Zhaganlimen Nuoer Formation in the Abagaqi of Xilinguolemen, Inner Mongolia, China 1982
details Wealden W.Germany(Hesse) Pelzer,G. et al. The Otavi-Schiefertonwerke Opern Pit, Oberkirchen Sequence 1 of the Buckeberg Formation, Berrais. (In: Wallensen, Wealden, Willershausen, Westersteine). 1982
details Middle Jurassic Late Jurassic India(Gujarat) Koshal,V.N. Jurassic-Early Cretaceous palynofossil assemblage in the subsurface of Banni-Nirona, Kachchh, Western India. (In: Cretaceous of India : Proceedings of the Symposium on "Cretaceous of India - Palaeoecology, Palaeogeography and Time Boundaries". K.H.Maheshwari, editor) 1983
details Neocomian Aptian India(Andhra Pradesh) Rajeshwar-Rao,P.V. et al. Palynology of the Gangapur Beds, Pranhita-Godavari Basin, Andhra Pradesh. 1983
details Berriasian Valanginian Argentina(Santa Cruz) Baldoni,A.M. et al. Palynology of the Springhill Formation, (Lower Cretaceous), subsurface Argentina and southern Chile. 1983