Osmundacidites wellmanii

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Middle Rhaetian Late Hettangian W.Germany(Bavaria) Achilles,H. Franconian Rhaetian and Liassic microflora. 1981
details Late Rhaetian Late Hettangian W.Germany(Bavaria) Achilles,H. Franconian Rhaetian and Liassic microflora. 1981
details Cretaceous Tertiary China(Kiangsu) Song,Z.-C. et al. Cretaceous-Tertiary palynological assemblages from Jiangsu. 1981
details Late Triassic Late Jurassic China(Shansi) Liu,Z.-S. et al. Triassic and Jurassic sporo-pollen assemblages from some localities of Shaanxi and Gansu, North-West China. 1981
details Late Triassic Late Jurassic China(Kansu) Liu,Z.-S. et al. Triassic and Jurassic sporo-pollen assemblages from some localities of Shaanxi and Gansu, North-West China. 1981
details Late Oxfordian Volkheimer,W. et al. Palynological data from the Auquinco Formation, Upper Jurassic of the Neuqina Basin, Argentina. (In: The Geology of the Province of San Luis) 1981
details Oxfordian Volkheimer,W. et al. Stratigraphic distribution of Jurassic and Cretaceous palynomorphs in the Andean Realm and neighbouring areas of Southern South America, with special consideration of the Neuqu©n Basin. 1981
details Tithonian Berriasian Antarctica Askin,R.A. Jurassic - Cretaceous palynology of Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctica. 1981
details Triassic Australia(NSW) Martin,H.A. Stratigraphic palynology of the Castlereagh River Valley, New South Wales. 1981
details Early Cretaceous Australia(NSW) Martin,H.A. Stratigraphic palynology of the Castlereagh River Valley, New South Wales. 1981
details Kimmeridgian Barremian Egypt Abdelmalik,W.M. et al. Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous microflora from the Northwestern Desert, Egypt: Betty Well No.1 and Ghazalat Well No.1. 1981
details Late Barremian France(Alpes,Hautes) de Reneville,P. et al. Palynology of the stratotype of the Barremian Stage. 1981
details Carnian Early Pliensbachian Australia(Queensland) Stevens,J. Palynology of the Callide Basin, East-Central Queensland 1981
details Hettangian Toarcian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Buvalkin,A.K. et al. Jurassic deposits of the Sugandinsk Coalfields in the Kendyktas Mountains 1981
details Cretaceous Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Yorath,C.J. et al. Cretaceous and Tertiary stratigraphy and paleogeography northern Interior Plains, District of MacKenzie. 1981
details Hauterivian Early Barremian Spain Mas,J.R. The Lower Cretaceous of Northwestern Valencia 1981
details Late Albian Early Cenomanian Spain Mas,J.R. The Lower Cretaceous of Northwestern Valencia 1981