Deltoidospora sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Aptian USSR(Krasnodar Kray) Davey,R.J. Preliminary study of the Lower Cretaceous and Middle Jurassic palynology of the Gelendzhik region, Caucasus, Russia. 1994
details Middle Triassic Late Triassic Argentina(Santa Cruz) Zavattieri,A.M. Palynology of the El Tranquilo Formation, (Triassic), Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. 1992
details Hauterivian Barremian China(Heilungkiang) Li,W.-B. Early Cretaceous spore-pollen assemblages from eastern Heilongjiang 1992
details Late Asselian Artinskian Argentina(Santiago) Vergel,M.D.M. Consideration of the microfloral contents in the Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Drill Holes of Southeastern Arbol Blanco (Upper Paleozoic) Arbol Blanco, Santiago del Estero, Argentina. (In: VII Simposio Argentina de PaleobotЎnica y Palinolog­a Actas) 1987
details Maestrichtian Danian Antarctica Tassone,A.A. et al. Cretaceous Tertiary boundary in Marambio Island 1988
details Rhaetian Early Liassic W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Heunisch,C. Palynological investigations in the Upper Keuper of Northwestern Germany 1996
details Late Rhaetian Italy Cirilli,S. et al. Palynostratigraphy and palynofacies of the Late Triassic R.Contorta facies in northern Apennines: Ii) the Monte Cetona Formation 1994
details Early Missourian Illinois Peppers,R.A. Palynological correlation of major Pennsylvanian, (Middle and Upper Carboniferous), chronostratigraphic boundaries in Illinois and other Acoal Basins. 1996
details Valanginian Hauterivian Peru PrЎmparo,M.B. et al. First palynological data from the Lower Cretaceous of the Arequipa Basin, Southern Peru 1994
details Late Eocene England(Isle of Wight) Hooker,J.J. et al. Reconstruction of land and freshwater palaeoenvironments near the Eocene-Oligocene boundary southern England. 1995
details Atokan Early Desmoinesian Illinois Peppers,R.A. Correlation of the "Boskydell Sandstone" and other sandstone containing marine fossils in Southern Illinois using palynology of adjacent coal beds. 1993
details Late Barremian Early Albian China(Liaoning) Yu,J. The study of Early Cretaceous angiospermous pollen in northern China. 1990
details Late Barremian Early Albian China(Tsinghai) Yu,J. The study of Early Cretaceous angiospermous pollen in northern China. 1990
details Late Barremian Early Albian China(Shansi) Yu,J. The study of Early Cretaceous angiospermous pollen in northern China. 1990
details Late Barremian Early Albian China(Sinkiang Uighur) Yu,J. The study of Early Cretaceous angiospermous pollen in northern China. 1990
details Late Barremian Early Albian China(Kansu) Yu,J. The study of Early Cretaceous angiospermous pollen in northern China. 1990
details Late Barremian Early Albian China(Inner Mongolia) Yu,J. The study of Early Cretaceous angiospermous pollen in northern China. 1990