Sigmopollis hispidus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Albian Maastrichtian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Brideaux,W.W. Cenozoic and Cretaceous assemblage (palynomorphs). (In: Biostratigraphic Determinations from the Subsurface of the Districts of MacKenzie and Franklin and the Yukon Territory. J.W. Andrechuk, editor) 1977
details Campanian Canada(Alberta) Jarzen,D.M. Palynology of Dinosaur Provincial Park, (Campanian), Alberta. 1982
details Early Cretaceous Arkansas Bond,T.A. A Lower Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) palynological assemblage from the Dequeen Formation, Pike County Arkansas 1972
details Early Eocene Middle Eocene Nevada Wingate,F.H. Palynology and age of the Elko Formation, (Eocene) near Elko, Nevada. 1983
details Early Eocene Middle Eocene Canada(British Columbia) Mathews,W.H. et al. The Gang Ranch-Big Bar area, south-central British Columbia: Stratigraphy, geochronology and palynology of the Tertiary Beds and their relationship to the Fraser Fault. 1984
details Early Oligocene Canada(British Columbia) Rouse,G.E. et al. Tertiary geology and palynology of the Quesnel area, British Columbia. 1979
details Early Oligocene Canada(British Columbia) Piel,K.M. Palynology of Oligocene sediments from Central British Columbia 1971
details Early Paleocene Canada(Saskatchewan) Sweet,A.R. et al. Palynofacies, coal petrographic facies and depositional environments; Amphitheatre Formation (Eocene to Oligocene) and Ravenscrag Formation (Maestrichtian to Paleocene), Canada. (In: Recent Advances in Organic Petrology and Geochemistry; A Symposium Honoring Dr P.Hacquebard. W.Kalkreuth et al, editors) 1991
details Early Paleocene Canada(Saskatchewan) Sweet,A.R. et al. The K/T Boundary and contiguous strata in Western Canada; Interactions between paleoenvironments and palynological assemblages. 1992
details Early Paleocene Montana Rigby,J.K.,Jr. et al. Dinosaurs from the Paleocene Part of the Hell Creek Formation, McCone Country, Montana. 1987
details Early Paleocene Montana Nichols,D.J. et al. Palynostratigraphy of the Tullock Member (Lower Paleocene) of the Fort Union Formation in the Powder Ricer Basin, Montana and Wyoming. (In: Evolution of Sedimentary Basins. A.C.Hoffman, Project Coordinator) 1992
details Late Eocene Late Tertiary Canada(NWT) Norris,G. Palynolostratigraphic study of Ioe Taglu C-42 (In: Imperial Taglu C-42, NWT). 1976
details Late Maestrichtian Canada(Alberta) Srivastava,S.K. Palynology of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Scollard Formation of Alberta, Canada and global KT boundary events. 1994
details Late Maestrichtian Pacific Ocean(Yellow Sea) Yi,S. Zygnematacean zygospores and other freshwater algae from the Upper Cretaceous of the Yellow Sea Basin, Southwest coast of Korea 1997
details Late Neogene Pleistocene Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Young,F.G. et al. Cenozoic stratigraphy of the MacKenzie Delta, NWT. 1984
details Late Paleocene Middle Eocene Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Yorath,C.J. et al. Cretaceous and Tertiary stratigraphy and paleogeography northern Interior Plains, District of MacKenzie. 1981
details Late Pliocene Quaternary Mexico(Baja California) Ballog,R.A. et al. Neogene palynology from the Southern California Continental Borderland, Site 467, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 63. 1981