Epicephalopyxis indentata

Citations total:
Author - title
details Late Chattian W.Germany(N.Rhine) Benedek,P.N. Phytoplankton from the type Chattian (Upper Oligocene) 1975
details Paleocene Virginia McLean,D.M. Potential Lower Tertiary phytoplankton environmental indicators from the Virginia-Maryland Coastal Plain. 1972
details Early Eocene USSR(Yamalo-Nenets) Shakhmundes,V.A. On floristic connections of the North of Western Siberia and Europe in the Early Eocene. (In: On the Methods in Paleopalynological Studies.) 1966
details Early Oligocene Middle Oligocene USSR(Tadzhik SSR) Oleynik,E.S. Phytoplankton of the Oligocene deposits from the Tadjik Depression. (In: Mikrofossilii Drevneishikh Otlozhenii. T.F.Vozzhennikova and T.B.Timofeev, editors) 1973
details Campanian USSR(Krasnoyarsk Kray) Bondarenko,N.M. Palynological characteristics of deposits of the Campanian Stage of the Ust-Yenisei Depression 1969
details Paleocene Middle Eocene USA(Gulf Coast) Fairchild,W.W. Time-stratigraphic significance of Lower Tertiary dinoflagellates Part 1. Paleoc-Middle Eocene 1972
details Paleocene Middle Eocene USA(Atlantic Coast) Fairchild,W.W. Time-stratigraphic significance of Lower Tertiary dinoflagellates Part 1. Paleoc-Middle Eocene 1972
details Middle Paleocene Sweden De Coninck,J. Organic-walled microfossils from the Upper Danian and Middle Paleocene of Southern Sweden. 1975
details Maastrichtian Danian Spain De Coninck,J. et al. Marine organic-walled microfossils at the Cretaceous - Tertiary Boundary in the Barranco del Gredero, (southest Spain). 1982
details Ypresian Lutetian Netherlands De Coninck,J. Organic walled microfossils from the Eocene of the Woensdrecht borehole, Southern Netherlands 1977
details Nd Nd Downie,C. et al. Bibliography and index of fossil dinoflagellates and acritarchs. 1965
details Nd Nd Lentin,J.K. et al. Fossil dinoflagellates: index to genera and species. 1973
details Paleocene Miocene Nd Fensome,R.A. et al. Acritarchs and Fossil Prasinophytes: An index to genera, species and infraspecific taxa. 1990
details Nd Nd Williams,G.L. et al. The Lentin and Williams Index of Fossil Dinoflagellates.1998 Edition. 1998
details Paleocene Maryland McLean,D.M. Potential Lower Tertiary phytoplankton environmental indicators from the Virginia-Maryland Coastal Plain. 1972
details Late Paleocene Libya Fairchild,W.W. Time-stratigraphic significance of Lower Tertiary dinoflagellates Part 1. Paleoc-Middle Eocene 1972
details Middle Cuisian Hungary Gidai,L. Geological reference section of the Eocene strata of the Sumeg and Csabrendek area, from the Bore Cn-850 1977