Ginkgocycadophytus asymmetricus

Citations total:
Author - title
details Middle Jurassic Late Jurassic India Singh,H.P. Mesozoic gymnospermous pollen grains. (In: Aspects and Appraisal of Indian Palaeobotany. K.R.Surange, editor) 1974
details Late Jurassic India(Andhra Pradesh) Lakhanpal,R.N. et al. A catalogue of Indian fossil plants 1976
original Late Jurassic India(Andhra Pradesh) Kar,R.K. et al. Palynological investigation of the Gondwana outcrop from Vemavaram with remarks on the age of the Bed. 1970
details Early Cretaceous India Maheshwari,H.K. et al. Cretaceous spore pollen complexes from India. (In: Cretaceous of India : Proceedings of the Symposium on "Cretaceous of India - Palaeoecology, Palaeogeography and Time Boundaries". K.H.Maheshwari, editor) 1983
details Early Cretaceous India(Andhra Pradesh) Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Stratigraphic implication of Late Gondwana floras in the east coast. (In: Concepts, limits and extension of the Indian Gondwana. B.S.Venkatachala and H.K.Maheshwari, editors) 1988