Lingulodinium machaerophorum

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Pliocene Italy Versteegh,G.J.M. Recognition of Cyclic and Non-Cuclic environmental changes in the Mediterranean Pliocene: A palynological approach 1994
details Priabonian Rupelian Belgium Stover,L.E. et al. Dinoflagellates and depositional sequences in the Lower Oligocene (Rupelian) Boom Clay Formation, Belgium. 1994
details Miocene Pleistocene Atlantic Ocean Shipboard Scientific Party Site 902. 1994
details Late Pliocene Italy Versteegh,G.J.M. et al. Determination of palaeoecological preferences of dinoflagellates by applying detrended and canonical correspondence analysis to Late Pliocene dinoflagellate cyst assemblages of the South Italian Singa section. 1994
details Late Stampian France(Ile-de-France) Bignot,G. et al. The Eocene-Oligocene transistion of Lambert area at Cormeilles-et-Parisis. 1994
details Recent Norway(Offshore) Dale,B. et al. Dinoflagellate cysts as paleoproductivity indicators: state of the art, potential, and limits. (In: Carbon cycling in the Glacial Oceans: Constraints on the Ocean's role in Global changes. R.Zahan et al editor) 1994
details Late Messinian Italy(Sicily) Londeix,L. et al. Late Neogene Dinoflagellate cyst assemblage from the straight of Sicily, central Mediterranean Sea. 1994
details Messinian Early Zanclean Tunisia Londeix,L. et al. Late Neogene Dinoflagellate cyst assemblage from the straight of Sicily, central Mediterranean Sea. 1994
details Early Miocene Middle Miocene South Korea Yun,H. Emended stratigraphy of the Miocene formations in the Pohang Basin, Part II. South of the Hyongsan Fault. 1994
details Early Miocene South Korea Yun,H. Emended stratigraphy of the Miocene formations in the Pohang Basin, Part II. South of the Hyongsan Fault. 1994
details Eocene Chattian Denmark(Faeroes Islands) Waagstein,R. et al. Petrogrpahy and biostratigraphy of Palaeogene volcaniclastic sediments dredged from the Faeroes Shelf. (In: The Tectonics, Sedimentation and Palaeoceanography of the North Atlantic Region. R.A.Stoker et al, editors) 1995
details Late Paleocene Middle Eocene Louisiana Gregory,W.A. et al. Distribution of dinoflagellates in a subsurface marine Wilcox (Paleocene-Eocene) section in Southwest Louisiana 1995
details Lutetian Rupelian Belgium De Coninck,J. Organic-walled microfossils of the Bartonian Priabonian and Early Rupelian from the Kallo borehole; significant species from the Woensdricht, Kallo and Mol boreholes 1995
details Late Pliocene Italy Versteegh,G.J.M. Palaeoenvironmental changes in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic in relation to the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciations. (2.5 Ma B.P.) - A palynological approach. 1995
details Late Pliocene Italy Versteegh,G.J.M. Palaeoenvironmental changes in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic in relation to the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciations. (2.5 Ma B.P.) - A palynological approach. 1995
details Messinian Italy(Sicily) Suc,J.-P. et al. Evolution of the Messinian Mediterranean environments; the Tripoli Formation at Capodarso (Sicily, Italy) 1995
details Middle Eocene Poland Gedl,P. Middle Eocene dinoflagellate cysts from the Rogoznik section, Flysch Carpathians, Poland. 1995