Leiotriletes inermis

Citations total:
Author - title
details Late Carboniferous Argentina(San Juan) C©sari,S.N. et al. Palynostratigraphy of upper Paleozoic sequences in central-western Argentina. 2000
details Late Carboniferous Argentina(Mendoza) C©sari,S.N. et al. Palynostratigraphy of upper Paleozoic sequences in central-western Argentina. 2000
details Namurian Argentina(La Rioja) Azcuy,C.L. Namurian and Westphalian miospores from the Malanzan-Loma larga Region, La Rioja Province, Argentina 1975
details Namurian Argentina(La Rioja) Azcuy,C.L. Namurian and Westphalian miospores from the Malanzan-Loma larga Region, La Rioja Province, Argentina 1975
details Namurian Westphalian Argentina(La Rioja) Azcuy,C.L. Palynological evidence concerning the origin of Late Paleozoic floristic provinces and seasonal climates. Relations to contnental drift and the first break up of Gondwanaland. 1975
details Namurian Argentina(La Rioja) Azcuy,C.L. Namurian and Westphalian miospores from Malanzan-Loma larga Region, La Rioja Province, Argentina. Part 2. Systemaic descriptions and stratigraphic significance of themicroflores. 1975
details Namurian Argentina(La Rioja) Azcuy,C.L. Namurian and Westphalian miospores from Malanzan-Loma larga Region, La Rioja Province, Argentina. Part 2. Systemaic descriptions and stratigraphic significance of themicroflores. 1975
details Namurian Argentina(La Rioja) Azcuy,C.L. Palynological associations of the Upper Paleozoic of Argentina and their relationships. 1975
details Namurian Argentina(La Rioja) Azcuy,C.L. Palynological associations of the Upper Paleozoic of Argentina and their relationships. 1975
details Late Carboniferous Argentina(La Rioja) C©sari,S.N. et al. Palynostratigraphy of upper Paleozoic sequences in central-western Argentina. 2000
details Permian Arctic Ocean Dibner,A.F. et al. Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic spore-pollen assemblages of the Barents Sea Shelf and their geological significance. (In: Geology and mineral genesis in Arctic Region USSR. Symposium of Scientific Studies.) 1981
details Early Carboniferous Middle Carboniferous Antarctica Grikurov,G.E. Geology of the Antarctic Peninsula. 1973
details Early Carboniferous Middle Carboniferous Antarctica Grikurov,G.E. et al. More information on the Trinity Series, (C1-3), of Western Antarctica. 1968