details |
Kimmeridgian |
Atlantic Ocean |
Zotto,M. et al. Kimmeridgian dinoflagellate stratigraphy in the Southwestern North Atlantic |
1987 |
details |
Early Bajocian |
England(Dorset) |
Bailey,D.A. Durotrigia daveyi, sp.nov., an Early Bajocian dinocyst with a variable precingular archaeopyle. |
1987 |
details |
Late Bathonian |
Tithonian |
India(Gujarat) |
Kumar,A. Distribution of dinocysts in the Jurassic rocks of Kachchh, India. |
1987 |
details |
Late Bathonian |
Callovian |
USSR(Franz Josef Land) |
Smelror,M. Bathonian and Callovian (Middle Jurassic) dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from Franz Josef Land, Arctic Soviet. |
1987 |
details |
Late Oxfordian |
Early Kimmeridgian |
Celtic Sea |
Ainsworth,N.R. et al. Biostratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous, Jurassic, and Uppermost Triassic of the North Celtic Sea and Fastnet Basins. (In: Petroleum Geology of North West Europe. J.J.Brooks and K.W.Glennie, editors) |
1987 |
details |
Early Bajocian |
France(Aveyron) |
Fechner,G.G. Microfossils and organic matter remains from Chert Nodules from the Lower Bajocian of Causse Begon and Causse Du Larzac South France. preliminary report |
1987 |
details |
Early Kimmeridgian |
France(Alsace) |
Schmitt,J.P. Stratigraphic and paleogeographic interpretation of the Jurassic microfloral of Alsace, France |
1987 |
details |
Kimmeridgian |
Tithonian |
Spain |
Lachkar,G. Dinocysts of the Late Jurassic and the Jurassic and Cretaceous limit, (In: 6), dinoflagellate cysts. (In: III: Biostratigraphic commentary. In: Stratigraphic Intergration of the Citrabetic Basin, (Sierra de Fontealent, Alicante Province, Spain). L.Rasplus and E.Fourcade, editor) |
1987 |
details |
Early Oxfordian |
England(Dorset) |
Lord,A.R. et al. Dorset; Jurassic. (In: Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphical micropalaeontology of the Dorset coast and Isle of Wight, southern England. Field guide for the XXth European Micropalaeontological Colloquium. A.R.Lord and P.R.Bown, editors) |
1987 |
details |
Middle Purbeckian |
Late Purbeckian |
England(Dorset) |
Lord,A.R. et al. Dorset; Jurassic. (In: Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphical micropalaeontology of the Dorset coast and Isle of Wight, southern England. Field guide for the XXth European Micropalaeontological Colloquium. A.R.Lord and P.R.Bown, editors) |
1987 |
details |
Late Oxfordian |
Early Kimmeridgian |
Canada(British Columbia) |
Davies,E.H. et al. Upper Jurassic dinoflagellate cysts from strata of Northeast British Columbia |
1986 |
details |
Late Callovian |
Early Oxfordian |
Switzerland |
Berger,J.P. Dinoflagellates of the Callovian-Oxfordian boundary of the "Liesberg-Dorf" Quarry (Berner Jura, Switzerland). |
1986 |
details |
Kimmeridgian |
Tithonian |
India(Gujarat) |
Kumar,A. A dinocyst assemblage from the Middle Member, (Lower Kimmeridgian-Tithonian) of the Jhuran Formation, Kachchh, India. |
1986 |
details |
Late Oxfordian |
Early Kimmeridgian |
India(Gujarat) |
Jain,K.P. et al. Fossil floras of Kutch-Part Vi Jurassic dinoflagellates |
1986 |
details |
Early Kimmeridgian |
England(Wiltshire) |
Nиhr-Hansen,H. Dinocyst stratigraphy of the Lower Kimmeridge Clay, Westbury, England. |
1986 |
details |
Late Bathonian |
Early Callovian |
Libya |
Thusu,B. et al. Middle-Late Jurassic, (Late Bathonian - Tithonian) palynomorphs. (In: Palynology of Northeast Libya. B.Thusu and B.Owens, editors) |
1985 |
details |
Bathonian |
Portugal |
Davies,E.H. The miospore and dinoflagellate cyst Oppel-Zonation of the Lias of Portugal |
1985 |