Cyathidites australis

Citations total:
Author - title
details Ypresian India(Gujarat) Samant,B. et al. Stratigraphic palynoflora of the Early Eocene Rajpardi Lignite, Gujarat and the lower age limit of the Tarkeswar Formation of south Cambay Basin, India. 1997
details Werfenian Anisian Romania Oniceanu,M. et al. The palynological contributions of the study of the crystallophylliens and sedimentary formation of zone between Bistricioara-Valea Seaca-Baraseu Valley (Harghita Country, East Carpathians). 1977
details Wealden England Stover,L.E. Comparison of three Cretaceous spore-pollen assemblages from Maryland and England. (In: Palynology in Oil Exploration, Aureal T. Cross, editor) 1964
details Wealden India(Kutch) Singh,H.P. et al. Studies on the Upper Gondwana of Cutch-1. Miospores and macrospores. 1964
details Wealden Belgium Delcourt,A.F. et al. Spores and pollen of the Wealdian of Hainaut. 1955
details Wealden France(Pas-de-Calais) Delcourt,A.F. et al. Spores and pollen grains, Hystrichoshperes and Peridinians in the Wealdian of Feron-Glageon. 1959
details Wealden Belgium Delcourt,A.F. et al. Some microfossils from the Wealdian of Feron-Glageon. 1957
details Wealden France(Pas-de-Calais) Delcourt,A.F. et al. A curious association of microfossils from the Wealdian of Feron-Glageon, France. 1959
details Wealden Spain Menendez-Amor,J. A spore-pollen study of the Una Lignites, (Cuenca). 1970
details Wealden Peru Doubinger,J. et al. Discovery of a Wealdian (Neocomian) microflora in the Cuzco Region (Southern Peru). First dating of the Huacane Sandstone. 1976
details Wealden India(Uttar Pradesh) Singh,R.Y. et al. A geo-analytical study of the Tal Problem. (In: Cretaceous of India : Proceedings of the Symposium on "Cretaceous of India - Palaeoecology, Palaeogeography and Time Boundaries". K.H.Maheshwari, editor) 1983
details Valanginian Barremian China(Inner Mongolia) Miao,S.-J. Spores and pollen. 1982
details Valanginian Black Sea Dulub,V.G. et al. Correlation between Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Kerch Peninsula and northwest Caucasus, (in association with studies of strata containing hydrocarbons). 1986
details Valanginian Early Albian China(Liaoning) Yu,J. et al. Sporo-pollen assemblages from the upper part of the Rehe Group, Liaoning Province 1986
details Valanginian Aptian Malaysia(Pahang) Harbury,N.A. et al. Structural evolution of Mesozoic Peninsular Malaysia 1990
details Valanginian Hungary Rakosi,L. Palynological investigation of Neocomian-Workings of the Dorogen Brown Coal Basin 1971
details Valanginian Wyoming Decelles,P.G. et al. Non-mrine sedimentation in the overfilled part of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Cordilleran Foreland Basin; Morrison and Cloverly Formations, Central Wyoming, USA. 1992