Abies concolor

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Pliocene Wyoming Leopold,E.B. et al. Development and affinites of Tertiary floras in the Rocky Mountains 1972
details Late Miocene USA(Pacific Northwest) Wolfe,J.A. Neogene floristic and vegetational history of the Pacific Northwest. 1969
details Late Miocene Nevada Wolfe,J.A. Neogene floristic and vegetational history of the Pacific Northwest. 1969
details Late Neogene Wyoming Love,J.D. Reconnaissance study of Quaternary Faults in and South of Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming 1961
details Late Oligocene Early Miocene Colorado Leopold,E.B. et al. Development and affinites of Tertiary floras in the Rocky Mountains 1972
details Late Pliocene California Axelrod,D.I. et al. Late Pliocene floras East of the Sierra Nevada 1960
details Middle Pliocene Wyoming Leopold,E.B. et al. Development and affinites of Tertiary floras in the Rocky Mountains 1972
details Oligocene Montana Hamilton,W. et al. Volcanic rocks of Oligocene age in the southern part of the Madison Range, Montana and Idaho. (In: Geological Survey research 1962, Short Papers in geology, hydrology and topography. Articles 1-59) 1962
details Pliocene France(Bretagne) Pons,A.H. Palynologic contribution to the study of the Pliocene flora and vegetation of the Rhodanian Region 1964