
Citations total:
Author - title
details Albian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Voronova,M.A. et al. Stratigraphic subdivision of the Cretaceous deposits in the Middle Ingul River Region 1972
details Ladinian USSR(Bashkir ASSR) Tuzhikova,V.I. Palynological charactieristics of the Yushatyrsk Suite of the Southern Cis-Ural. (In: Triassic Stratigraphy of the Urals and Cis-Urals. Symposium on the Problems of Stratigraphy. #27). V.I.Tuzhikova and G.N.Papulov, editors) 1979
details Aptian Albian Spain Menendez-Amor,J. et al. Palynological observations on the microflora of the Utrillas, (Teruel) Coal Basin. 1964
details Aptian Albian Spain Esteras,M.M. et al. Palynologic observations on the microflora of the Lignitic Utrillas (Teruel) Basin 1964
details Paleocene North Dakota Nichols,D.J. Palynology of Paleocene Petrified Peat. 1975
details Cretaceous Nigeria Puri,G.S. Some plant microfossils from Nigeria 1965
details Late Tertiary Nigeria Puri,G.S. et al. Some Micro-Plant fossils recovered from Benin Lignites in Nigeria I. 1962
details Nd Nd Zaklinskaya,E.D. et al. Taxonomy and nomenclature of fossil spores and pollen 1960
details Nd Nd Rueda-Gaxiola,J. A new systematic morphological classification for fossil pollen and spores. Nomenclature and parataxonomy. 1969
details Nd Nd Jansonius,J. et al. Genera File of fossil spores. Supplement 4 1980
details Tertiary Germany Wilson,L.R. Spores and pollen as microfossils. 1944
details Albian Gabon Boltenhagen,E. State of knowledge of Lower Cretaceous palynology 1966
details Autunian France(Herault) Doubinger,J. Palynological notes on the Permian of Lodeve. 1963
details Bathonian France(Aveyron) Doubinger,J. Spores and pollen of the Stipites of the Larzac (Bathonian). 1961
details Miocene E.Germany Frederiksen,N.O. et al. Status of the pollen genus pollenites. 1979
details Aptian Albian Congo Boltenhagen,E. State of knowledge of Lower Cretaceous palynology 1966
details Westphalian D Black Sea Nikolov,Z. et al. Carboniferous Coal-bearing sediments in the northern part of the Bulgarian Black Sea Shelf 1990