Campanulaceae sp

Citations total:
Author - title
original Late Miocene France(Ain) Farjanel,G. et al. An association of mammals and pollens in the continental formation "Marnes de Bresse", Miocene Superior, Amberieu (Ain). 1984
details Late Neogene Early Pleistocene France Suc,J.-P. Contribution to the knowledge of the Pliocene and Lower Pleistocene of the Mediterranean Regions of Western Europe by palynoloical analysis of deposits. 1980
details Quaternary Wyoming Santucci,V.L. The Yellowstone Paleontological Survey. 1998
details Middle Tortonian Morocco Bachiri Taoufiq,N. et al. Upper Tortonian vegetation, climate and marine environment in the Taza-Guercif Basin (Rifian Corridor, Eastern Marocco) according to palynology. 2001
details Middle Pliocene Pleistocene Japan(Hokkaido I.) Oka,T. et al. Plio-Pleistocene in the Toikanbetsu Tectonic Basin, northern Hokkaido: Sedimentary facies and pollen stratigraphy. 1993
details Late Pliocene Early Pleistocene Germany(Baden) Gerbert,H. et al. Tertiary and Quaternary of southern Oberbergisches Land (Schiefergebirge). 1969
details Meotian USSR(Georgian SSR) Purtseladze,Kh.N. Palynological characteristics of the Meotian deposits of Western Georgia. 1977
details Late Tertiary Tunisia Demarcq,G. et al. Skanes-Monastir, (eastern Tunisia); A Neogene Paralic Basin. 1976
details Late Neogene Germany(Schleswig) Menke,B. Pliocene and Earliest Quaternary spore and pollen flora of Schleswig-Holstein. 1976
details Miocene Poland Oszczypko,N. et al. The freshwater Miocene of the Nowy Sacz Basin. Results of geological and palynological investigations. 1972
details Late Neogene W.Germany(Schleswig) Averdieck,F.R. Palynologic investigation of the Tertiary from Sylt. 1971
details Late Pliocene France(Herault) Brugal,J.P. et al. Mammal and vegetal remains from the Uppermost Pliocene Maar of Nogaret (Escandorfue; Herault, France) 1990
details Early Miocene Middle Miocene China(Shantung) Liu,G. et al. Paleoecology of a Miocene flora from the Shanwang Formation, Shandong Province, Northern East China. 1992
details Early Pliocene Portugal Diniz,F. Contribution of palynology to the knowledge of the Pliocene of Portugal, Rio Maor. A reference basin for the floristic, vegetational and climatic history of the Atlantic Facade of Southern Europe. 1984
details Late Neogene Early Pleistocene Spain Suc,J.-P. Contribution to the knowledge of the Pliocene and Lower Pleistocene of the Mediterranean Regions of Western Europe by palynoloical analysis of deposits. 1980
details Middle Miocene Late Pliocene North Sea Kuhlmann,G. High resolution stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental changes in the southern North Sea during the Neogene : An integrated study of Late Cenozoic marine deposits from the northern part of the Dutch offshore area 2004