
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Middle Pleistocene North Sea Hahne,J. Pollen analyses of the 89/4 and 89/9 Drill cores from the Southern North Sea. (In: Studies of the Quaternary deposits in the Southern Baltic Sea.) 1996
details Late Pliocene France(Herault) Leroy,S.A.G. et al. Latest Pliocene pollen and Leaf floras from Bernasso Palaeolake, (Escandorgue Bassif, Herault, France). 1996
details Nd Nd Balme,B.E. Fossil in situ, spores and pollen grains: An annotated catalogue. 1995
details Miocene Pliocene China Wang,W.-M. Palynoeloristic changes in the Neogene of South China 1992
details Pleistocene Holocene Japan(Kyoto Pref.) Nasu,T. et al. Fossil Macrospores ; And Massulae of Salvinia Natans from the Pliocene and the Quaternary sediments in the Kinki and Takai Districts, Japan 1976
details Miocene Idaho Smiley,C.J. et al. Preservation of Miocene fossils in Unoxidized Lake deposits, Clarkia, Idaho 1975
details Miocene USSR(Russian Plain) Tarasevich,V.F. On the findings of pollen of Parrotia C.A.Mey., Diospytos L. and Staphylea L. in the Miocene deposits of Oka-Don Plain. 1980
details Paleogene Neogene Poland Grabowska,I. Flora of the Palaeogene and the Neogene. (In: Catalogue of Fossil. Part 3A. Cainozoic, Tertiary. J.Czerminski, editor) 1977
details Pliocene Pleistocene El Salvador Lotschert,W. et al. The Plio-Pleistocene flora in the Sisimico Valley, El Salvador the question of the Continuity of Tropical Rain Forests in the Quaternary 1975
details Pliocene Early Pleistocene Italy Bertoldi,R. et al. Pliocene-Pleistocene vegetational and climatic evolution of the South-Central Mediterranean 1989
details Oligocene Recent Alabama Graham,A. The Tertiary history of the northern temperate element in the northern Latin America biota. 1999
details Early Miocene Middle Miocene Mexico(Chiapas) Graham,A. The Tertiary history of the northern temperate element in the northern Latin America biota. 1999
details Late Pliocene Greece Suballyova,D. et al. Late Pliocene cyclicity on Zakynthos Island, (Eastern Mediterranean): Palynological evidence. 1999
details Pliocene France(Pyrenees,Hautes) Leroy,S.A.G. et al. Global Setting to comparative charts of regional events 1999
details Late Eocene Early Oligocene Ukraine Stolyarov,A.S. et al. Region VII. The Ciscaucasian and the Don River Lower Stream. (In: Late Eocene - Early Oligocene Geological and Biotical Events on the Territory of the Former Soviet Union. Part 1: The Regional Geology of the Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene. V.A.Krasheninnikov and M.A.Akhmetiev, editors) 1996
details Early Oligocene Kyrgyzstan Turdukulov,A.T. et al. Region XIV. Kyrgyzstan. (In: Late Eocene - Early Oligocene Geological and Biotical Events on the Territory of the Former Soviet Union. Part 1: The Regional Geology of the Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene. V.A.Krasheninnikov and M.A.Akhmetiev, editors) 1996
details Middle Eocene Late Eocene Kazakstan Borisov,V.A. et al. Region XX. The Zaisan Depression, (Eastern Kazakhstan). (In: Late Eocene - Early Oligocene Geological and Biotical Events on the Territory of the Former Soviet Union. Part 1: The Regional Geology of the Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene. V.A.Krasheninnikov and M.A.Akhmetiev, editors) 1996