Ocksisporites sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Triassic Canada(Arctic) Hills,L.V. et al. Reworked Devonian megaspores from the Triassic Bjorne Formation Melville Island, Arctic Canada 1970
details Frasnian Famennian Canada(NWT,Franklin) Hills,L.V. et al. Devonian megaspores from northern Banks Island, Arctic Canada 1970
details Frasnian Canada(NWT,Franklin) McGregor,D.C. Devonian spores of the Queen Elizabeth Islands, Northwest Territories 1970
details Late Frasnian Canada(NWT,Franklin) Hills,L.V. et al. Upper Devonian megaspores, northeastern Banks Island, NWT. 1971
details Middle Frasnian Late Frasnian Canada(Arctic) Hills,L.V. The genus Ocksisporites. 1972
details Middle Givetian Late Frasnian Canada(Saskatchewan) Chi,B.I. et al. Middle and Upper Devonian megaspores from the Cape terrace section on Western Melville Island, Arctic Canada. 1973
details Toarcian Bathonian Canada(NWT,Franklin) Johnson,C.D. et al. Microplankton zones of the Savik Formation (Jurassic), Axel Heiberg and Ellesmere Islands, District of Franklin. 1973
details Early Frasnian Middle Frasnian Canada(NWT,Franklin) Chi,B.I. et al. Middle and Upper Devonian megaspores from the Cape terrace section on Western Melville Island, Arctic Canada. 1975
details Frasnian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Cook,D.G. et al. Ontaratue River (106J), Travaillant Lake (106-O), and Canot Lake 106P) Map areas, District of MacKenzie, Northwest Terriories. 1975
details Frasnian Canada(Arctic) Miall,A.D. Proterozoic and Paleozoic geology of Banks Island, Arctic Canada. 1976
details Frasnian China(Szechwan) Lu,L. Upper Devonian (Frasnian) sporo-pollen assemblage from the Damaidi area of Dukou, Sichuan Province. 1981