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Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Namurian Westphalian United Kingdom Smith,A.H.V. et al. Miospores in the coal seams of the Carboniferous of Great Britain. 1967
details Westphalian France(Pas-de-Calais) Loboziak,S. et al. The micro and megaspores of the Faisceau de Dusouich in the Groupe de Lens, (H.B.N.P.C.). 1968
details Westphalian France(Pas-de-Calais) Liabeuf,J.J. et al. Palynologic study of some Coal Seams of the Faisce Faisceau D'Edouard, (Northern Basin and the Pas-de-Calais). 1968
details Late Namurian Romania Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Carboniferous spores and pollen from the Calareti Zone of the Moesian Platform, Rumania. 1968
details Westphalian B Westphalian C Turkey Agrali,B. Palynological studies and age determinations of some Coal intervals in Amasra Carboniferous Basin, Turkey 1969
details Namurian B Early Westphalian A Poland GŠ³recka,T. Stratigraphy of the Bialy Kamien Beds in the northwestern part of the Intra-Sudetic Trough on the Ground of palynological research. (In: Geological research in the Lower Silesian Region) 1969
details Late Desmoinesian Texas Gupta,S. Palynology of the Upper Strawn Series, (Upper Pennsylvanian), of Texas above the Fusulina Zone. 1969
details Late Westphalian B Westphalian C France(Paris Basin) Loboziak,S. The micro and megaspores of the western part of the Bassin Houiller of northern France, stratigraphic applicationsin the study of several boreholes. 1969
details Late Stephanian France(Calvados) Coquel,R. et al. Palynological confirmation of Upper Stephanian age for the beds in the Littry Coal Basin (Calvados). 1969
details Virgilian Texas Stone,J.F. Palynology of the Eddleman Coal, (Pennsylvanian), of North-Central Texas. 1969
details Visean Westphalian D Turkey Agrali,B. et al. Study of the microspores of the Carboniferous Basin of Amasra (1-2). 1969
details Desmoinesian Illinois Peppers,R.A. Correlation and palynology of coals in the Carbondale and Spoon Formations (Pennsylvanian) of the northeastern part of the Illinois Basin. 1970
details Early Dinantian Early Namurian A Romania Beju,D. New contributions to the palynology of Carboniferous strata from Romania. 1970
details Early Westphalian A Early Westphalian C France(Manche) Coquel,R. et al. Confirmation of Westphalian age for the Coal Basin of Le Plessis (Manche) After palynological study of some Coal samples. 1970
details Sakmarian Artinskian China Hart,G.F. The biostratigraphy of Permian palynofloras. 1970
details Cretaceous Poland Turnau,E. Microflora and paleogeography of the Carboniferous Coal deposits in the Polish Carpathians. 1970
details Tertiary Poland Turnau,E. Microflora and paleogeography of the Carboniferous Coal deposits in the Polish Carpathians. 1970