Xandarodinium xanthum

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Nd Nd de Verteuil,L. et al. Miocene Protoperidiniacean dinoflagellate cysts from the Maryland and Virginia Coastal Plain 1992
details Miocene Atlantic Ocean Shipboard Scientific Party Site 905. 1994
details Holocene England(Shropshire) Fensome,R.A. et al. The Eisenack Catalog of Fossil Dinoflagellates. New Series. Volume 3. 1995
details Nd Nd de Verteuil,L. et al. Part I. Dinoflagellate cyst zonation and allostratigraphy of the Chesapeake Group. (In: Miocene dinoflagellate stratigraphy and systematics of Maryland and Virginia) 1996
details Middle Miocene Late Miocene New Jersey de Verteuil,L. Data report: Upper Cenozoic dinoflagellate cysts from the continental slope and rise off New Jersey. 1996
details Nd Nd Stover,L.E. et al. Mesozoic-Tertiary dinoflagellates, acritarchs and Prasinophytes. (Principles and Applications. Applications. J.Jansonius and D.C.McGregor, editors.) 1996
details Nd Nd Head,M.J. Modern dinoflagellate cysts and their biological affinities. (Principles and Applications. Applications. J.Jansonius and D.C.McGregor, editors.) 1996
details Pliocene India(Andhra Pradesh) Kumar,A. et al. High resolution Neogene dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy and calcareous nannoplankton biochronostratigraphy of the Krishna-Godavari Basin, India. 1997
details Nd Nd Williams,G.L. et al. The Lentin and Williams Index of Fossil Dinoflagellates.1998 Edition. 1998
details Recent Atlantic Ocean(North) Rochon,A. et al. Distribution of recent dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments from the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas in relation to surface parameters. 1999
details Holocene Norway Grosfjeld,K. et al. Dinoflagellate cysts reflecting surface-water conditions in Voldafjorden, Western Norway during the last 11 300 years. 1999
details Quaternary North Sea Brenner,W.W. et al. Missing autofluorescence of recent and fossil dinoflagellate cysts. An indicator of heterotrophy? 2001
details Holocene Spain(Offshore) Sprangers,M. et al. Modern organic-walled dino?agellate cyst distribution oцshore NW Iberia; tracing the upwelling system. 2004