
Citations total:
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details Late Permian Early Triassic India(West Bengal) Bharadwaj,D.C. et al. Permian-Triassic miofloras from the Raniganj Coalfield, India. 1977
details Late Permian Early Triassic India(West Bengal) Bharadwaj,D.C. et al. Permian-Triassic miofloras from the Raniganj Coalfield, India. 1977
details Late Artinskian India(Bihar) Lele,K.M. et al. Associations of micro and megafloras in the Roof Shales of some Barakar Coal Seams, South Kranpura, Coalfield, BiIhar. 1977
details Permian India(Arunachal Pradesh) Srivastava,S.C. et al. A note on the palynology of the Gondwanas of Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh. 1977
details Paleozoic Dem.Repub.of the Congo Kar,R.K. et al. Palaeozoic sporae dispersae from Zaire, (Congo). 17. A short report on samples from the Luena Coal Measures. 1978
details Carboniferous Permian Dem.Repub.of the Congo Bose,M.N. et al. Biostratigraphy of the Lukuga Group in Zaire. 1978
details Late Carboniferous Permian Dem.Repub.of the Congo Cahen,L. et al. Survey of information relative to the Lukuga Group (Permian of Zaire.) 1978
details Early Permian India(Bihar) Bharadwaj,D.C. et al. A palynostratigraphic study of Lower Gondwana sediments from South Karanpura Coalfield, Bihar, India. 1978
details Permian India Navale,G.K.B. Depositional environment of Lower Gondwana Coals of India. 1979
details Late Permian Early Triassic India(West Bengal) Bharadwaj,D.C. et al. Permo-Triassic palynostratigraphy and lithological characteristics in Damoday Basin, India. 1979
details Late Permian Early Triassic India(Bihar) Bharadwaj,D.C. et al. Permo-Triassic palynostratigraphy and lithological characteristics in Damoday Basin, India. 1979
details Tatarian Early Triassic India Tiwari,R.S. Palynostratigraphy of Permo-Triassic transition in India. 1979
details Early Permian India(Maharashtra) Chitnis,S.R. Palaeopalynological investigation of some borecore samples from Kamptee Coalfield, District Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. 1979
details Early Artinskian India(Maharashtra) Agashe,S.N. et al. Paleopalynological studies of Lower Gondwana strata with particular reference to Coal Seams from Kamptes Coalfield, Nagpur District, Maharashtra State. 1979
details Kazanian Tatarian India(Bihar) Srivastava,A.K. Palaeobotanical implications in the Lower Gondwana stratigraphy of Auranga Coalfield Bihar 1979
details Early Artinskian India(Madhya Pradesh) Trivedi,B.S. et al. Palynology of Pench-Kanhan Valley Coalfield (Lower Gondwana) Madhya Pradesh, India: With reference to its age. 1979
details Early Permian Middle Permian Tanzania Liao,K. Palaeozoic sporo-pollen assemblages from the Songwe-Kiwira Coalfield. 1980