
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Cretaceous Oligocene China Song,Z.-C. General aspects of the floristic regions on Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary of China. (In: Papers for the 5th International Palynological Conference.) 1980
details Paleocene China Sun,X.-J. Palynofloristical investigation on the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene of China. 1979
details Late Cretaceous China Song,Z.-C. et al. Cretaceous and Palaeogene palynofloras and distribution of organic rocks in China. 1983
details Eocene China Song,Z.-C. et al. Cretaceous and Palaeogene palynofloras and distribution of organic rocks in China. 1983
details Oligocene China Song,Z.-C. et al. Cretaceous and Palaeogene palynofloras and distribution of organic rocks in China. 1983
details Late Senonian China Kedves,M. The present day state of Upper Cretaceous palaeophytogeography on palynological evidence 1985
details Early Oligocene China Tang,X.-H. A discussion on depositional environments and ecology in the Donpu Depression during Early Oligocene. 1986
details Middle Eocene Late Eocene China(Anhwei) Li,M.-Y. Eocene pollen and spore assemblage from Wuhu County, Anhui Province. 1984
details Hauterivian Oligocene China(Anhwei) Wang,K. et al. Cretaceous-Tertiary palynological assemblages from Anhui 1987
details Barremian Aptian China(Chekiang) Wang,K. et al. Palynological assemblage and paleoclimate of the Cretaceous in Ningbo Basin 1986
details Late Eocene China(Guangxi) Li,G. et al. Pollen assemblages of the Late Eocene, Nadu Formation, from the Bose Basin of Guangxi, Southern China. 1999
details Late Oligocene China(Guizhou) Lei,Z.-Q. Tertiary sporo-pollen assemblage of Zhujiangkou, (Pearl River North), Basin and it stratigraphic significance. 1985
details Late Mesozoic Tertiary China(Heilungkiang) Luo,Y. et al. Late Mesozoic and Tertiary strata in the Jianyin-Xunke Region, Heilongjiang 1983
details Middle Paleocene Late Paleocene China(Honan) Song,Z.-C. Early Tertiary Normapolles and related palynomorphs of China. 1996
details Paleogene China(Hupei) Wang,K.F. et al. Palynological assemblages of the crude oil from the Buried Hills of China and the research of the oil source 1985
details Senonian China(Kiangsu) Song,Z.-C. et al. Cretaceous-Tertiary sporo pollen assemblages of northern Juangsu. 1980
details Miocene China(Kiangsu) Song,Z.-C. et al. Cretaceous-Tertiary sporo pollen assemblages of northern Juangsu. 1980