Pinus haploxylon

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Pliocene W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Benda,L. et al. The Pliocene of Allershausen (Solling, Niedersachen). 1968
details Thanetian Late Lutetian France(Paris Basin) Kedves,M. Palynological studies of the Lower Tertiary Beds of the Paris Region. 2: Table of some species and types of sporomorphs. 1968
details Middle Miocene Late Miocene W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Benda,L. et al. Cenozoic sediments in tectonic Traps and Subrosion Depressions in Southern Niedersachsen. 1968
original Tortonian Pannonian Romania Diaconeasa,B. et al. Palynological research on Neogene deposits in the Southern Part of the Simleu Basin 1968
details Purbeckian Early Valanginian Poland Mamczar,J. The Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the Polish Lowland in the light of spores and pollen analysis 1968
details Eocene Idaho Ting,W.S. Fossil pollen grains of Coniferales from Early Tertiary of Idaho, Nevada and Colorado 1968
details Eocene Nevada Ting,W.S. Fossil pollen grains of Coniferales from Early Tertiary of Idaho, Nevada and Colorado 1968
details Oligocene Hungary Kedves,M. et al. Palynologic investigations in the strata of Buda Marl with plant Remarlins. 1968
details Late Cretaceous Late Neogene USA Emberger,L. Fossil plants in relationship to living ones (Comparison of elements of paleobotany and morphology). 1968
details Late Cretaceous Late Neogene Japan Emberger,L. Fossil plants in relationship to living ones (Comparison of elements of paleobotany and morphology). 1968
details Late Cretaceous Late Neogene Greenland Emberger,L. Fossil plants in relationship to living ones (Comparison of elements of paleobotany and morphology). 1968
details Late Cretaceous Late Neogene United Kingdom Emberger,L. Fossil plants in relationship to living ones (Comparison of elements of paleobotany and morphology). 1968
details Eocene France(Alpes,Basses) Kogbe,C.A. et al. Some interesting palynologic data on the Eocene and Upper Miocene of the Eoulx-Brenon Basin near, (Basses Alpes), stratigraphic conclusions. 1968
details Late Miocene France(Alpes,Basses) Kogbe,C.A. et al. Some interesting palynologic data on the Eocene and Upper Miocene of the Eoulx-Brenon Basin near, (Basses Alpes), stratigraphic conclusions. 1968
details Messinian Italy(Sicily) Bertolani-Marchetti,D. Vegetational features in sediments of Messinian 'Formazione Gessososolfifera' in Emilia and Sicily (Italy), and paleoclimatic Poblems. 1968
details Messinian Italy(Sicily) Bertolani-Marchetti,D. Vegetational features in sediments of Messinian 'Formazione Gessososolfifera' in Emilia and Sicily (Italy), and paleoclimatic Poblems. 1968
details Early Tertiary USSR(WSL) Golbert,A.V. et al. Paleolandscapes of West Siberia in Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Paleogene. 1968