Pinus haploxylon

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link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Pliocene Russia(Krasnodar) Laukhin,S.A. Palynological characteristics of the Neogene Deposits of the Yenisey Ridge and evaluation of the possibility of preserving buried bauxites. 1972
details Pleistocene Poland Srodon,A. Deposits containing Pliocene flora in the Nowy Targ Basin and Kroscienko on the Dunajec River (Western Carpathians). 1973
details Ladinian Carnian USSR(Urals) Tuzhikova,V.I. Lithology and stratigraphy of the Lower Mesozoic deposits of the Urals. (In: The history of the Lower Mesozoic accumulation of Coals in the Urals) 1973
details Early Eocene USSR(Kazakh SSR) Boytsova,E.P. et al. On the methodology of separation and correlation of sedimentary deposits on palynologicla evidence. (In: Methodical problems of Palinology-A.M.Medvedeva-Ed) 1973
details Helvetian Czechoslovakia Deb,U. Palaeoclimatic conditions of the Cypris Bed (Helvetian) Czechoslovakia, as indicated by its palynological characters. 1973
details Late Eocene Early Oligocene Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. New information on the Central Carpathians Paleogene in the Upper Hron Valley 1973
details Late Pliocene Middle Pleistocene USSR(Magadan Oblast) Voskresenskii,S.S. et al. Paleogeographical conditions of sediments accumulations of the Seymchand-Buyundinskaya Depression of the Neogene and Quaternary Period. (Contributions to the treatment of one of the Base Station cross-section in the northeast of the USSR) 1973
details Oligocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Kulkova,I.A. Palynological research of Eocene sediments of Yano-Indirgir Lowland 1973
details Quaternary Poland Jaworska,Z. Palynological research of ice-dammed lake deposits in the vicinity of Bolkow, (the Kaczawa Mountains). 1973
details Late Eocene Miocene USSR(Mountain Altai) Rosenberg,L.I. On stratigraphy of Cenozoic (Preglacial) deposits of Upland Altai 1973
details Late Cretaceous Pleistocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Prokhorova,S.M. et al. The tin bearing granitoids of the Yan-Indigirsk Lowland and places related to them. 1973
details Danube Italy(Sardinia) Massari,F. et al. The fluvial-Lacustrine Nuraghe Casteddu Formation and its relation to the Orosei-Dorgali Basalt (Sardinia) 1973
details Paleocene USSR(Estonian SSR) Gromova,N.S. Method of research of Oil-Shale Formation; Palynological research method of oilshale deposits, (Boltyshekogo Deposits). (In: The Formation of Combustiable Shales. Method of research and generic classification. S.S.Baukov and V.A.Kotlukov, editors) 1973
details Tortonian Helvetian Czechoslovakia KonzalovЎ,M. Neogene plant microfossils from the fluviatile sediments underlying young volcanics in the Zelezny Brod area (Bohemia). 1973
details Late Pliocene Japan(Osaka Pref.) Tai,A. A study on the pollen stratigraphy of the Osaka Group, Pliocene-Pleistocene deposits in the Osaka Basin. 1973
details Sannoisian France(Mayenne) Durand,S. et al. Discovery of Oligocene overlying Cenomanian in an area south of the village of Laval, (Mayenne). 1973
details Late Pliocene Poland Oszast,J. The Pliocene profile of Domanski Wierch near Czarny Dunajec in the light of palynological investigations, (Western Carathians, Poland). 1973