Annutriporites iversenii

Citations total:
Author - title
details Maastrichtian Colombia Sol© de Porta,N. Palynology of the Cimarrona Formation (Maaestrichtian) in the South of the Middle Valley of the Magdalena, Colombia. 1972
details Late Maestrichtian Bartonian Venezuela Rull,V. Sequence analysis of Western Venezuelan Cretaceous to Eocene sediments using palynology: Chrono-paleoenvironmental and paleovegetational approaches 1997
details Late Paleocene Venezuela Rull,V. Palaeofloristic and palaeovegetational changes across the Paleocene/Eocene boundary in northern South America 1999
details Late Paleocene Venezuela Rull,V. Ecostratigraphic study of Paleocene and Early Eocene palynological cyclicity in northern South America. 2000
details Eocene Colombia Potonie,R. Synopsis of the genera of the sporae dispersae. Part 5. Supplement to all Groups (Turmae). 1970
details Maastrichtian California Potonie,R. Synopsis of the genera of the sporae dispersae. Part 5. Supplement to all Groups (Turmae). 1970
details Early Maestrichtian Danian Venezuela Pocknall,D.T. et al. The palynofloral succession across the Cretaceous to Paleocene transition zone, Merida Andes, western Venezuela 2001
details India(Assam) Mehrotra,N.C. et al. Assam-Arakan Basin. (In: Palynology in Hydrocarbon Exploration:The Indian Scenario. Part 1: Category I : Basins) 2002
details Late Eocene India(West Bengal) Mathur,Y.K. et al. Palynofossils from the Cenozoic subsurface sediments of the Bengal Basin, India. 1987
details Middle Oligocene India(Assam) Kumar,A. et al. Palynology of the Tertiary sediments of Southern Assam, India. 1991
details Oligocene India(Assam) Kumar,A. Biozonation and depositional environments of the Tertiary outcrop section along the Silchar-Haflong Road, Cachar District, Southern Assam. 1993
details Nd India(Kutch) Kapoor,P.N. et al. Palynofossils from the Cenozoic surface and subsurface sediments of Kutch, India. 1993
details Lutetian Late Miocene India(Kutch) Kapoor,P.N. et al. Palynofloristics and palynostratigraphy of the Cenozoic sediments of Kutch. 1996
details Middle Eocene Colombia Gonzalez-Guzman,A.E. A palynological study on the Upper Los Cuervos and Mirador Formations (Lower and Middle Eocene;Tibu area, Colombia) 1967
details Maestrichtian Paleocene Colombia Gonzalez-Guzman,A.E. A palynological study on the Upper Los Cuervos and Mirador Formations (Lower and Middle Eocene;Tibu area, Colombia) 1967
details Late Oligocene Early Miocene Colombia Dueбas-Jimenez,H. Palynology of Oligocene-Miocene strata of borehole Q-E-22, Planeta Rica, northern Colombia. 1980
details Late Oligocene Early Miocene Colombia Dueбas-Jimenez,H. Study of the palynology of well Pozo Qe-22, Late Oligocene and Early Miocene, Planeta Rica, northern Columbia. 1979