Cymatiosphaera sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Campanian Early Maastrichtian Egypt Schrank,E. et al. Late Cretaceous palynostratigraphy in Egypt with comments on Maastrichtian and Early Tertiary Calcareous nannofossils. 1985
original Berriasian Quattrocchio,M.E. et al. Palynological study of the Berriasian at Mallin Quemado locality, Neuqu©n Provincia, Argentina. 1985
details Early Muschelkalk W.Germany(Hesse) Reitz,E. Triassic palynology of northern Hessen and Southern Niedersachsen 1985
details Early Muschelkalk W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Reitz,E. Triassic palynology of northern Hessen and Southern Niedersachsen 1985
details Sinian China(Hunan) Wang,F. Middle-Upper Proterozoic and Lowest Phanerozoic microfossil assemblages from southwest China and contiguous areas. 1985
details Early Oligocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Stotland,A.B. On the stratigraphic position of the Khar'kovsk series in the Kiev Pre-Dnieper 1985
details Late Cambrian USSR(Leningrad) Volkova,N.A. et al. New Upper Cambrian acritarchs from the Leningrad Oblast, (Ladoga Formation). 1985
details Djulfian Smithian New Zealand(S.I.) Crosbie,Y.M. Permian palynomorphs from the Kuriwao Group, Southland, New Zealand. 1985
original Gedinnian Emsian Czechoslovakia(Morovia) Cambel,B. et al. Biostratigraphic evaluation of Metasediments in the male Karpathy Mts.Region 1985
details Ludlovian Eifelian Romania Iordan,M. et al. Litho and biostratigraphy of the Paleozoic Sequences in the Oprisor and Girla Mare Boreholes, (southwestern part of the Moesian Platform). 1985
original Pridolian Romania Iordan,M. et al. Litho and biostratigraphy of the Paleozoic Sequences in the Oprisor and Girla Mare Boreholes, (southwestern part of the Moesian Platform). 1985
details Early Permian Czechoslovakia Miko,O. et al. Determination of Late Paleozoic Metasediments in Crystalline complexes of Kraklova zone (Horehronske (Podolic) 1985
details Early Cambrian USSR(Siberia) Rudavskaya,V.A. The stratigraphic importance of Proterozoic-Early Cambrian acritarchs for the Siberian and Russian Platforms. (In: Palynological Investigations of Paleozoic and Mesozoic deposits of Northern USSR and Caspian Sea Region. N.A. Timoshina, editor) 1985
details Late Cambrian Early Ordovician China(Kirin) Yin,L.-M. Acritarchs. (In: Study on Cambrian-Ordovician boundary strata and its biota in Dayangcha, Hunjiang, Jilin, China. J.-Y. Chen, editors) 1985
details Late Landenian Early Sparnacian England(Sussex) Dupuis,C. et al. The Woolwich Beds find the London Clay of Newhaven (East Sussex), new palynological and stratigraphic data. 1985
details Pannonian Sarmatian Hungary Sмto-Szentai,M. The distribution of organic microplankton associated with the Pannonian Ungarns Schist. (In: A. Papp, A. Jambor and F.F. Steininger, Pannonien (Slavonien und Serbien) 1985
details Sinian China(Anhwei) Xing,Y. et al. Micropalaeophyta. (In: Late Precambrian paleontology of China. Y.Xing et al, editors) 1985