Linochitina sp. al,1975

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
original Late Wenlockian Sweden Laufeld,S. et al. The boundary between the Silurian Cyrtograptus and Colonus Shales in Skane, Southern Sweden. 1975
original Homerian Sweden Rombouts,L.P. Factors controlling the distribution of chitinozoa in the Gleedon Chronozone, (Wenlockian) of northern Europe. 1982
original Homerian England(Shropshire) Rombouts,L.P. Factors controlling the distribution of chitinozoa in the Gleedon Chronozone, (Wenlockian) of northern Europe. 1982
original Homerian Wales Rombouts,L.P. Factors controlling the distribution of chitinozoa in the Gleedon Chronozone, (Wenlockian) of northern Europe. 1982
original Homerian Poland Rombouts,L.P. Factors controlling the distribution of chitinozoa in the Gleedon Chronozone, (Wenlockian) of northern Europe. 1982