Scriniodinium crystallinum

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Oxfordian Scotland(Isle of Skye) Stancliffe,R.P.W. Dinoflagellate cysts from the Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) of Skye, Scotland and southern Dorset, England. 1991
details Early Oxfordian England(Dorset) Stancliffe,R.P.W. Dinoflagellate cysts from the Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) of Skye, Scotland and southern Dorset, England. 1991
details Late Bajocian Early Bathonian Australia(Offshore) Burger,D. Results of a preliminary palynological examination of Mesozoic grab samples from the Northwest Shelf. 1991
details Barremian Aptian England Batten,D.J. Reworking of plant microfossils and sedimentary provenance. (In: Developments in Sedimentary Provenance Studies. A.C.Morton et al, editors) 1991
details Oxfordian Early Kimmeridgian Norway Manum,S.B. et al. The Jurassic flora of Andoya, northern Norway. 1991
details Kimmeridgian North Sea Underhill,J.R. Controls on Late Jurassic seismic sequences, Inner Moray Firth, United Kingdom, North Sea- A critical test of a key segment of Exxon's original global cycle chart 1991
details Middle Berriasian Late Berriasian Indian Ocean Brenner,W. Dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous sequence at Sites 762 and 763, Exmouth Plateau, Northwest Australia 1992
details Late Callovian Early Kimmeridgian England(Cambridgeshire) Riding,J.B. et al. Dinoflagellate cysts of the Jurassic system. (In: A Stratigraphic Index of Dinoflagellate Cysts. A.J.Powell, editor) 1992
details Late Callovian Early Kimmeridgian England(Lincolnshire) Riding,J.B. et al. Dinoflagellate cysts of the Jurassic system. (In: A Stratigraphic Index of Dinoflagellate Cysts. A.J.Powell, editor) 1992
details Early Albian Antarctica Riding,J.B. et al. Preliminary Jurassic and Cretaceous dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of the James Ross Island area, Antarctic Peninsula 1992
details Late Aptian Antarctica Keating,J.M. et al. The stratigraphical palynology of the Kotick Point and Whisky Bay Formation, Gustav Group (Cretaceous), James Ross Island. 1992
details Late Callovian Middle Oxfordian W.Germany(Baden) Feist-Burkhardt,S. et al. Jurassic palynology in southwest Germany. State of the art - 8th International Palynological Congress, Aix-en-Provence,13-16th Sept. 1992-Excursion F 1992
details Callovian Oxfordian Tanzania Balduzzi,A. et al. Mesozoic Karoo and post-Karoo Formations in the Kilwa area, southeastern Tanzania. A stratigraphic study based on palynology, micropalaeontology and well log data from the Kizimbani Well. 1992
details Oxfordian Tithonian Australia Sarjeant,W.A.S. et al. Jurassic palynomorphs of the Circum-Pacific Region. (In: The Jurassic of the Circum-Pacific. G.E.G Westermann, editor) 1992
details Oxfordian Early Kimmeridgian France Dodekova,L. Dinoflagellate cysts from the Bathonian-Tithonian (Jurassic) of North Bulgaria Ii. taxonomy of Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian dinoflagellate cysts 1992
details Late Callovian Early Kimmeridgian Northern Hemisphere Williams,G.L. et al. Morphology and stratigraphic ranger of selected Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinoflagellate taxa in the northern Hemisphere 1993
details Late Oxfordian Early Kimmeridgian North Sea Gibbons,K. et al. Sequence architecture, facies development and carbonate-cemented horizons in the Troll Field Reservoir, offshore Norway. (In: Advances in Reservoir Geology. Michael Ashton, editor) 1993