Scriniodinium crystallinum

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Callovian Kimmeridgian Europe Stancliffe,R.P.W. et al. Oxfordian dinoflagellate cysts and provincialism. 1988
details Callovian Berriasian North Sea Herngreen,G.F.W. et al. Revision of the "Late Jurassic" stratigraphy of the Dutch Central North Sea Graben. 1989
details Middle Callovian Early Kimmeridgian Norway(Offshore) …rhus,N. et al. Biostratigraphy of some Callovian and Oxfordian cores off Vega, Helgeland, Norway 1989
details Late Callovian Early Oxfordian France(Ardeche) Smelror,M. et al. Dinoflagellate and acritarch assemblages from the Late Bathonian to Early Oxfordian of Montagne Crussol, Rhone Valley, Southern France. 1989
details Late Callovian W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Prauss,M. Dinocyst-stratigraphy and palynofacies in the Upper Liassic and Dogger of Northwest-Germany. 1989
details Oxfordian Kimmeridgian France(Jura) Courtinat,B. The organoclasts of the Malm Formations of Southern Jura: Systematics, biostratigraphy and paleoecological interpretation. 1989
details Middle Oxfordian Early Kimmeridgian Norway(Offshore) Zwan,C.J.Van Der et al. Palynostratigraphy and palynofacies reconstruction of the Upper Jurassic to Lowermost Cretaceous of the Draugen Field, offshore Mid Norway 1990
details Kimmeridgian Early Portlandian Norway(Offshore) Zwan,C.J.Van Der et al. Palynostratigraphy and palynofacies reconstruction of the Upper Jurassic to Lowermost Cretaceous of the Draugen Field, offshore Mid Norway 1990
details Callovian Early Kimmeridgian France(Alsace) Rauscher,R. et al. Palynological investigations in the Jurassic of the Alsace (northeast France). 1990
details Early Oxfordian W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Kunz,R. Phytoplankton and palynofacies in the Malm of northwest Germany, (Hannoversches Bergland). 1990
details Late Oxfordian Arctic Ocean Wierzbowski,A. et al. Ammonite and dinoflagellate cyst succession of an Upper Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian Black Shale core from the Nordkapp Basin, southern Barents Sea. 1990
details Nd North Sea Bell,D.G. et al. Better prospect evaluation with organic geochemistry, biostratigraphy and Seismics 1990
details Early Kimmeridgian North Sea Zwan,C.J.Van Der et al. Palynostratigraphical principles as applied in the Jurassic of the Troll and Draugen Fields, offshore Norway. (In: Correlation in Hydrocarbon Exploration. J.D.Collinson, editor). 1990
details Middle Oxfordian Early Kimmeridgian Canada(Alberta) Poulton,T.P. et al. Jurassic strata of Northwestern (and West-Central) Alberta and northeastern British Columbia 1990
details Late Bajocian Callovian Israel Conway,B.H. Paleozoic-Mesozoic palynology of Israel Ii. Palynostratigraphy of the Jurassic succession in the subsurface of Israel 1990
details Oxfordian Berriasian Australia Burger,D. Australian Phanerozoic Timescales 9. Cretaceous biostratigraphic charts and explanatory notes. 1990
details Early Kimmeridgian Denmark Poulsen,N.E. Upper Jurassic dinocyst dinocyst stratigraphy in the Danish Central Trough. (In: The Jurassic in the Southern Central Trough. O.Michelsen and N. Frandsen, editors) 1991