Microreticulatisporites fundatus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Tournaisian USSR(Russian Platform) Byvsheva,T.V. Zonal spore assemblages of the Tournaisian Stage in the East Region of the Russian Platform. 1980
details Late Tournaisian USSR(Urals) Byvsheva,T.V. Spore zone complexes of Upper Tournaisian deposits of the eastern Region of the Russian Plate. (In: Palinologicheskie issledovaniya Proterozoya i Fanerozoya neftegazonoshykh. T.V. Byvsheva, editor.) 1980
details Late Tournaisian USSR(Urals) Byvsheva,T.V. Spore zone complexes of the Late Tournaisian deposits of the eastern district of the Russian Platform. (In: Palinologicheskie issledovaniya Proterozoya i Fanerozoya neftegazonoshykh. T.V. Byvsheva, editor.) 1980
details Tournaisian Early Visean USSR(Vologda) Byvsheva,T.V. Zonal spore assemblages and stratigraphy of the Turanian-Visean oil and Gas zones of the Volgo-Ural Province. (In: Atlas of Spores and Pollen of Oil and Gas Bearing Deposits of the Russian and Turonskoi Platform. V.V.Menner and T.V.Byvsheva, editors) 1985
details Tournaisian Early Visean USSR(Urals) Byvsheva,T.V. Zonal spore assemblages and stratigraphy of the Turanian-Visean oil and Gas zones of the Volgo-Ural Province. (In: Atlas of Spores and Pollen of Oil and Gas Bearing Deposits of the Russian and Turonskoi Platform. V.V.Menner and T.V.Byvsheva, editors) 1985
details Tournaisian USSR(Russian Platform) Byvsheva,T.V. Spores of the Tournaisian and Visean deposits around the Russian Platform. (In: Atlas of Spores and Pollen of Oil and Gas Bearing Deposits of the Russian and Turonskoi Platform. V.V.Menner and T.V.Byvsheva, editors) 1985
details Chesterian Kentucky Ravn,R.L. Palynostratigraphy of the Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian Coals of Iowa 1986
details Late Visean China(Hunan) Tang,S. Spore assemblage from the Ceshui Formation of Lowe Carboniferous in Central Hunan. 1987
details Late Visean China(Kwangtung) Tang,S. Spore assemblage from the Ceshui Formation of Lowe Carboniferous in Central Hunan. 1987
details Middle Visean Alaska Ravn,R.L. Miospores of the Kekiktuk Formation (Lower Carboniferous), Endicott Field Area, Alaska North Slope. 1991
details Chesterian Kentucky Ravn,R.L. Miospores of the Kekiktuk Formation (Lower Carboniferous), Endicott Field Area, Alaska North Slope. 1991
details Early Chesterian Alabama Zhou,Y.-Z. et al. Early Chesterian spores from northwestern Alabama, U.S.A. 2001