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Citations total:
Author - title
details Cenomanian Oligocene China(N.China) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 1: The Late Cretaceous and Tertiary Spores and Pollen. 1999
details Cenomanian Oligocene China(S.China) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 1: The Late Cretaceous and Tertiary Spores and Pollen. 1999
details Late Priabonian Stampian Czechoslovakia(Slovensko) SnopkovŠŽ,P. Biostratigraphy of the Lubovniakskay Avrchovina Upland based on microflora. (In: Zbornik Z paleontologickej Konference; Sucasne problemy a trendy V Caskovlovenskej paleontologii, O.Samuel Edi 1989
details Eocene Caribbean(Cuba) Siegl-Farkas,A. et al. A palynological study of Middle Eocene Formations in the Regions of Guantanamo and Holguin, Cuba 1992
details Miocene Pliocene India(West Bengal) Siddhanta,B.K. et al. Microfossil study of the Tertiary rocks as Encountered in boreholes in Bardhaman District, West Bengal 1992
details Early Eocene Wyoming Shearer,J.C. et al. Delineation of distinctive nature of Tertiary coal beds. 1995
original Coniacian Sudan Schrank,E. Biostratigraphic importance of microfloras from the Late Cretaceous Clastic series of Northwestern Sudan 1987
details Coniacian Sudan Schrank,E. Palaeozoic and Mesozoic palynomorphs from northeast Africa (Egypt and Sudan) with special reference to Late Cretaceous pollen and dinoflagellates. 1987
details Maastrichtian Somalia Schrank,E. Palynology of the Yesomma Formation in northern Somalia; a study of pollen, spores and associated phytoplankton from the Late Cretaceous Palmae Province 1994
details Maastrichtian Somalia Schrank,E. Upper Cretaceous Coal-bearing sediments in northern Somalia; Short note on palynological age and palaeoenvironment 1990
details Eocene Wyoming Santucci,V.L. The Yellowstone Paleontological Survey. 1998
details Ypresian India(Gujarat) Samant,B. et al. Stratigraphic palynoflora of the Early Eocene Rajpardi Lignite, Gujarat and the lower age limit of the Tarkeswar Formation of south Cambay Basin, India. 1997
details Eocene Early Miocene Cameroon Salard-Cheboldaeff,M. Maastrichtian and Tertiary palynology of Cameroon.Qualitative study and range of the main species. 1979
details Early Eocene Nd Salard-Cheboldaeff,M. Maastrichtian and Tertiary palynology of Cameroon.Qualitative study and range of the main species. 1979
details Maastrichtian Eocene Nigeria Salami,M.B. Palynological evidence of paleoenvironment of the Araromi Shale of southwestern Nigeria. 1983
details Eocene Wyoming Robbins,E.I. Paleoecology of the Niland Tongue. (In: Geological Investigations of the Vermillion Creek Coal Bed in the Eocene Niland Tongue of the Wasatch Formation, Sweetwater County, Wyoming. H.W. Roehler and P.L. Martin, editors) 1987
details Eocene Kentucky Rich,F.J. et al. Palynological and petrographic composition of Clai Borne Lignites from Kentucky 1985