details |
Late Maastrichtian |
Early Paleocene |
Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) |
Sweet,A.R. et al. Palynofloral response to K/T Boundary Events; A transitory interruption within a dynamic system. (In: Global catastrophes in earth history; An interdiciplinary conference on impacts, volcanism and mass mortality. V.L.Sharton et al, editors) |
1990 |
details |
Late Maastrichtian |
Early Paleocene |
North America |
Nichols,D.J. et al. Palynological evidence of effects of the terminal Cretaceous event on terrestrial floras in Western North America. (In: Extinction events in earth history. IGCP, Proceeding of Project 216. E.G.Kauffman and O.H.Walliser, editors) |
1990 |
details |
Late Jurassic |
Tunisia |
Reyre,Y. Description of some spores and pollen of series attributed to the Upper Jurassic in the Tunisian Sahara. |
1965 |
details |
Late Eocene |
Hungary |
Weber,B. Paleogene Beds in the vicinity of Szigetvar, (Southern Hungary) |
1985 |
original |
Late Eocene |
Early Oligocene |
Egypt |
Takahashi,K. et al. Palynological investigation of Late Eocene to Early Oligocene Lignites from Fayum Oasis, Egypt. |
1989 |
details |
Late Eocene |
Early Oligocene |
Canada(Yukon) |
Long,D.G.F. et al. Age and depositional environment of the rock River Coal Basin, Yukon Territory, Canada. |
1994 |
details |
Late Eocene |
Germany(Niedersachsen) |
Knobloch,E. et al. Comparison of Eocene plant assemblages of Bohemia (Czech Republ and Saxony (Germany) |
1998 |
details |
Late Eocene |
Oligocene |
Australia(Queensland) |
Dettmann,M.E. et al. Monocotyledon fruits and seeds, and an associated palynoflora from Eocene - Oligocene sediments of coastal central Queensland, Australia. |
2000 |
details |
Late Eocene |
India(Gujarat) |
Gupta,A. et al. Palynostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental analysis of subsurface Paleogene sequence of Jambusar-Dabka area, South Cambay Basin. |
1996 |
details |
Late Cretaceous |
Early Tertiary |
Poland |
Jaworska,Z. Results from palynological examination of Tertiary sediments from Olawy, Brzegu and Niemodlina |
1986 |
details |
Late Cretaceous |
New Mexico |
Tschudy,R.H. The Gasbuggy Core. A palynological appraisal. |
1973 |
details |
Late Cretaceous |
Early Eocene |
Nd |
Kedves,M. et al. Study of the ultrastructure of fossil angiosperm pollen of the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary. |
1973 |
details |
Late Cretaceous |
Wyoming |
Meyers,W.C. Environmental analysis of Almond Formation (Upper Cretaceous), from Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming. |
1977 |
details |
Late Campanian |
Early Maastrichtian |
Utah |
Franczyk,K.J. et al. Sedimentology, mineralogy, palynology and depositional history of some Upper most Cretaceous and Lowermost Tertiary rocks along the Utah Book and Roan Cliffs East of the Green River. (In: Evolution of Sedimentary Basins. A.C.Hoffman, Project Coordinator) |
1990 |
details |
Late Campanian |
Montana |
Tschudy,B.D. Palynology of the Upper Campanian, (Cretaceous) Judith River Formation, north-central Montana. |
1973 |
details |
Late Campanian |
Canada(Alberta) |
Jerzykiewicz,T. et al. Shoreface of the Bearpaw Sea in the footwall of the Lewis Thrust, Southern Canadian Cordillera, Alberta. |
1996 |
details |
Late Campanian |
Early Maestrichtian |
France(Landes) |
M©on,H. Analysis of spore and pollen from the Campanian/Maastrichtian of Tercis les Bains (Landes, France). (In: The Campanian-Maastrichtian Stage Boundary. G.S. Odin, editor) |
2001 |