Cycadopites sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Miocene Late Neogene Nepal Sarkar,S. Siwalik pollen succession from Surai Khola of Western Nepal and its reflection on palaeoecology. (In: Proceeding of the Symposium on the Vistas in Indian Palaeobotany. K.P.Jain and R.S.Tiwari, editors) 1990
details Late Maastrichtian Early Paleocene North America Nichols,D.J. et al. Palynological evidence of effects of the terminal Cretaceous event on terrestrial floras in Western North America. (In: Extinction events in earth history. IGCP, Proceeding of Project 216. E.G.Kauffman and O.H.Walliser, editors) 1990
details Priabonian Czechoslovakia(Slovensko) KonzalovЎ,M. Palynological investigation of the Basal Tertiary Sediments, (Paleogene), in Western Bohemia and their correlation with Carpathian Region. 1990
details Ladinian Early Carnian Italy(Sicily) Cirilli,S. et al. Palynomorphs from the Lercara Formation (Sicily): New biostratigraphic data. 1990
details Late Carnian Tuvalian Italy(Sicily) Cirilli,S. et al. Palynomorphs from the Lercara Formation (Sicily): New biostratigraphic data. 1990
details Tatarian USSR(Leningrad) Faddeeva,I.Z. Palynostratigraphy of Permian deposits. (In: Practical Palynostratigraphy. L.A. Panova et al, editors) 1990
details Olenikian USSR(Moscow Basin) Romanovskaya,G.M. et al. Palynostratigraphy of Triassic deposits. (In: Practical Palynostratigraphy. L.A. Panova et al, editors) 1990
details Barremian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Kruchinina,N.V. et al. Palynostratigraphyof Cretaceous deposits. (In: Practical Palynostratigraphy. L.A. Panova et al, editors) 1990
details Early Miocene USSR(Kazakh SSR) Panova,L.A. et al. Palynostratigraphy of Neogene deposits. (In: Practical Palynostratigraphy. L.A. Panova et al, editors) 1990
details Late Triassic China(Qinghai) Ji,L.-X. The micropaleoflora features from Middle Carbonate Rock Formation of Jiezha Group in South Qinghai. 1990
details Middle Anisian Arctic Ocean(Barents Sea) Mangerud,G. et al. Spathian-Anisian (Triassic) palynology at the Svalis Dome, Southwestern Barents Sea 1991
details Late Carnian Italy(Sicily) Martini,R. et al. Sedimentology and biostratigraphy of the Triassic Mufara Formation (Eastern Sicily); Foraminifera, conodonts, palynomorphs. 1991
details Berriasian Hauterivian China(Manchuria,Jilin) Shang,Y.-K. et al. Palynomorph assemblages from Yingcheng Formation, Jiutai, Jilin. 1991
details Norian Rhaetian China(Szechwan) Shang,Y.-K. et al. Upper Triassic sporo-pollen assemblages from Mosuohe River Valley of Baoding, Sichuan. 1991
details Late Berriasian Israel Conway,B.H. Early Cretaceous (Berriasian) microflora on Mount Hermon 1991
details Portlandian Berriasian Sweden Erlstrom,M. et al. Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous petrography and stratigraphy at Eriksdal, Scania, southern Sweden. 1991
details Bajocian England(Yorkshire) Gowland,S. et al. Stratigraphy, sedimentology and palaeontology of the Scarborough Formation (Middle Jurassic) at Hundale Point, North Yorkshire. 1991