Chasmatosporites hians

Citations total:
Author - title
details Valanginian Hauterivian China(Manchuria,Jilin) Shang,Y.-K. et al. Palynomorph assemblages from Yingcheng Formation, Jiutai, Jilin. 1991
details Valanginian Aptian China(Liaoning) Liu,Z.-S. et al. Early Cretaceous sporo-pollen assemblages from Fuxin Basin of Liaoning and their bearing on paleovegetation and paleoclimatology 1987
details Toarcian Aalenian Sweden Guy-Ohlson,D. Jurassic palynology of the Vilhelmsfalt Bore No.1, Scania, Sweden, Toarcian-Aalennian. 1986
details Spathian Anisian Canada(NWT,Franklin) Barnes,C.R. et al. Biostratigraphic determinations of fossils from the subsurface of the Districts of Franklin, Keewatin and MacKenzie and the Yukon Territory. 1974
details Sinemurian Aalenian Sweden Guy-Ohlson,D. et al. Lower Jurassic biostratigraphy of the Oppegard Bore No.1, northwest Scania, Sweden. 1984
details Rhaetian Hettangian Greenland Pedersen,K.R. et al. Palynology of the plant-bearing Rhaetian to Hettangian Kap Steward Formation, Scoresby Sund, East Greenlad. 1980
details Rhaetian Spitsbergen Bjaerke,T. et al. Sedimentological and palynological studies of Upper Triassic - Lower Jurassic Sediments in Sassenif Jorden Spitsbergen. 1977
details Rhaetian Hettangian Austria Planderova,E. Palynomorphs from Lunz Beds and from Black Clayey Shales in basement of Vienna Basin, (Borehole LNV-7). 1980
details Rhaetian Hettangian England(Devonshire) Fisher,M.J. Palynology of sedimentary cycles in the Mercia Mudstone and Penarth Groups, (Triassic), of Southwest and Central England 1985
details Rhaetian England(Gloucestershire) Fisher,M.J. Palynology of sedimentary cycles in the Mercia Mudstone and Penarth Groups, (Triassic), of Southwest and Central England 1985
details Rhaetian Early Liassic England(Nottinghamshire) Fisher,M.J. Palynology of sedimentary cycles in the Mercia Mudstone and Penarth Groups, (Triassic), of Southwest and Central England 1985
details Rhaetian Liassic Poland Orlowska-Zwolinska,T. Palynostratigraphy of the Upper Part of Triassic Epicontinental sediments in Poland 1983
details Rhaetian Liassic USSR(Lithuanian SSR) Venozhinskene,A.I. et al. Palynological indications of the Early Jurassic deposits in the southern part of the Balticum. (In:-Palynological Researches in the Baltic Soviet Republics. T.D.Bartosh, editor) 1971
details Rhaetian Liassic USSR(Lithuanian SSR) Venozhinskene,A.I. et al. Palynological indications of the Early Jurassic deposits in the southern part of the Balticum. (In:-Palynological Researches in the Baltic Soviet Republics. T.D.Bartosh, editor) 1971
details Rhaetian China(Hunan) Shang,Y.-K. Palynological assemblage from the Yanghbaichong Formation of Hengyang, Southwestern Hunan. 1986
original Rhaetian Liassic Sweden Nilsson,T. On the occurrence of a Mesozoic oil shale in Schonen. 1958
details Rhaetian Netherlands Herngreen,G.F.W. et al. Palynology of Rhaetian, Liassic and Dogger strata in the eastern Netherlands. 1974