Lycopodiumsporites austroclavatidites

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Rhaetian Hettangian Greenland Pedersen,K.R. et al. Palynology of the plant-bearing Rhaetian to Hettangian Kap Steward Formation, Scoresby Sund, East Greenlad. 1980
details Early Cretaceous Antarctica Domack,E.W. et al. Lower Cretaceous sediment from the East Antarctic Continental Shelf. 1980
details Early Cretaceous Australia(NSW) Martin,H.A. Stratigraphic palynology from shallow Bores in the Namoi River and Gwydir River Valleys, North-Central New South Waes. 1980
details Early Valanginian Middle Valanginian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) McIntyre,D.J. et al. Valanginian miospore and microplankton assemblages from the northern Richardson Mountains, District of MacKenzie, Canada. 1980
details Callovian Late Jurassic Argentina(Chubut) Volkheimer,W. et al. The continental margin of Gondwana, principally in central western Argentina. 1980
details Albian Cenomanian India(Gujarat) Mathur,Y.K. Dharesi-The highest Mesozoic plant Bed of Kutch, its age and implications of plant Beds in biostratigraphy. 1980
details Neocomian Cenomanian Australia(NSW) Morgan,R. Palynostratigraphy of the Australian early and middle Cretaceous. 1980
details Barremian Aptian Argentina(Chubut) Archangelsky,S. et al. Palynological results of the oil OS-1 Borehole, southwest of Chubut Province, Argentina. 1980
details Late Volgian Valanginian Canada(Arctic) Christie,R.L. et al. Stratigraphical sections and palynological reports from Mesozoic rocks at Lake Hazen, Ellesmere Island. 1980
details Hauterivian Barremian Argentina(Santa Cruz) PŠ¶the de Baldis,E.D. et al. Microfloras of the Rio Mayer Formation, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina, their stratigraphic signification. 1980
details Early Purbeckian Wyoming Dodson,P. et al. Taphonomy of the Morrison Formation, (Kimmeridgian-Portlandian), and the Cloverly Formation, (Aptian-Albian), of the Western United States. 1980
details Late Rhaetian Canada(Arctic) Ford,J.H. Palynology of 75 Mesozoic Field samples from the Sverdrup Basin of Arctic Canada 1980
details Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous Argentina(Santa Cruz) Baldoni,A.M. et al. Pollen and spores of the Springhill Formation (Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous) from the subsoil of Argentina and Southern Chile. 1981
details Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous Argentina(Santa Cruz) Baldoni,A.M. et al. Pollen and spores of the Springhill Formation (Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous) from the subsoil of Argentina and Southern Chile. 1981
details Berriasian Santonian Atlantic Coast Offshore Bebout,J.W. An informal palynologic zonation for the Cretaceous System of the United States Mid-Atlantic, (Baltimore Canon Area), O 1981
details Middle Rhaetian Liassic Sweden Guy-Ohlson,D. Rhaeto-Liassic palynostratigraphy of the Valhall Bore No.1, Scania. 1981
details Late Albian Australia Herngreen,G.F.W. et al. Cretaceous microfloral provinces. 1981