Triporopollenites sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Eocene Middle Eocene USSR(Tomskaya Oblast) Kosheleva,G.A. New data on Eocene palynological assemblages of Tomsk Region. 1980
details Late Paleocene Early Eocene USSR(Primorsk Kray) Gromova,N.S. The Nazimovsk Suite palynocomplex of Southern Primorsk. (In: Paleomikrofitologicheskie issledovaniya dlya tselei stratigrafii. L.A. Panova, editor.) 1980
details Eocene USSR(Caucasus) Panova,L.A. Paleocene and Eocene palynocomplexes of the central part of northern Caucasus. (In: Paleomikrofitologicheskie issledovaniya dlya tselei stratigrafii. L.A. Panova, editor.) 1980
details Cretaceous Danian USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Sivertseva,I.A. et al. Palynological characteristics of the metamorphized sediments of the Upper Cretaceous of the Western Kamchatka 1980
details Eocene Hungary Rakosi,L. et al. Contribution to the Litho and biostratigraphy of the Eocene South of the Bakony Mountains 1980
details Late Oligocene Romania Dicea,O. et al. Contributions to the knowledge of the stratigraphy of Maramures Transcarpathian zone 1980
details Albian Pacific(Sea of Japan) Markevich,V.S. A new species of Classopollis from the Cretaceous of the floor of the Sea of Japan. 1981
details Miocene Pleistocene China(Kiangsu) Zheng,Y.-H. et al. Neogene sporo-pollen grains from northern Jiangsu and South Yellow Sea Basin. 1981
details Middle Paleocene Late Paleocene China(Sinkiang Uighur) Zhao,I. et al. The distribution of Normapolles in Northwestern China. 1981
details Thanetian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Portnyagina,L.A. Normapolles pollen in Upper Cretaceous and Palaeogene deposits of the Skale zone of the Carpathians. 1981
details Eocene Burma Reimann,K.U. et al. Results of palynostratigraphical investigations of the Tertiary sequence in the Chindwin Basin/Northwestern Burma. 1981
details Eocene Burma Reimann,K.U. et al. Results of palynostratigraphical investigations of the Tertiary sequence in the Chindwin Basin/Northwestern Burma. 1981
details Paleocene Eocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Tomskaya,A.I. Palynology of Cenozoic deposits of Yakut. 1981
details Late Oligocene Early Miocene New Mexico Duchene,H.R. et al. Palynologic evidence for the age of the Abiquiu Formation, North-Central New Mexico. 1981
details Paleocene Early Eocene China(Kwangtung) Zhang,Q. Paleocene sporopollen assemblages in the Nanxion Basin Guangdong Province 1981
details Late Albian Portugal Berthou,P.Y. et al. The contribution of palynology to the stratigraphy of the Middle to Late Cretaceous West Portugal Basin. 1981
details Early Montian Canada(Eastern Offshore) Heroux,Y. et al. Thermal evolution and petroleum potential from the study of extracted organic kerogen and gas absorbtion of clay from Drill Hole Karlsefni H-13. 1981