Triporopollenites sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Tertiary India(Tripura) Salujha,S.K. et al. Palynostratigraphy of Tertiary sediments of the Tulamura Anticline, Tripura. 1979
details Late Tertiary India(Tripura) Salujha,S.K. et al. Palynostratigraphy of Tertiary sediments of the Tulamura Anticline, Tripura. 1979
details Senonian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Rotman,R.N. Palynological characteristics of the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene boundary of Crimea. 1979
details Late Maastrichtian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Rotman,P.N. Spores and pollen from the Upper Maestrichtian deposits of Crimea 1979
details Early Oligocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Zosimovich,V.Y. et al. The boundary between Upper Eocene and Oligocene in the Kiev Dnieper area as based on palynological data. 1979
details Campanian Eocene Canada(Arctic) Miall,A.D. Mesozoic and Tertiary geology of Banks Island, Arctic Canada. The history of an unstable craton margin. 1979
details Late Senonian Danian USSR(Yakut ASSR) Vashchenko,E.M. et al. The age of Coal-bearing deposits of the Arkagalnskaya Basin 1979
details Campanian Maastrichtian Mexico(Coahuila) Mart­nez-HernЎndez,E. Palynological survey in relation to paleoenvironments at the Fuentes-Rio Escondido Basin, Piedras Negras, Coahula, Mexico. 1980
details Campanian Maastrichtian Mexico(Coahuila) Mart­nez-HernЎndez,E. et al. Application of palynology in the detection of environment of deposition, Cuenca Fuentes-Rio Escondito, Coahuila, Mexico. 1980
details Middle Eocene Early Oligocene Mississippi Frederiksen,N.O. Sporomorphs from the Jackson Group, (Upper Eocene) and adjacent strata of Mississippi and western Alabama. 1980
details Middle Eocene Early Oligocene Alabama Frederiksen,N.O. Sporomorphs from the Jackson Group, (Upper Eocene) and adjacent strata of Mississippi and western Alabama. 1980
details Turonian Portugal M©dus,J. et al. Turonian Normapolles from Portugal and southern France. Correlations. 1980
details Turonian France M©dus,J. et al. Turonian Normapolles from Portugal and southern France. Correlations. 1980
details Paleocene USSR(Siberia) Tomskaya,A.I. et al. Lower Paleogene palynoflora of Yano-Indigirskaya Lowland. 1980
details Cenomanian Paleocene China(Hupei) Wang,D.-N. et al. Late Cretaceous - Early Paleogene sporopollen assemblages of the Jianghan Basin and their stratigraphical significane. 1980
details Cretaceous China(Kiangsu) Wang,Z.-Z. et al. Palynological evidence on the origin and Early evolution of angiosperms 1980
details Late Oligocene Early Miocene USSR(European) Korallova,V.V. Palynological boundary of Oligocene and Miocene deposits of the Southern European part of the USSR. 1980