Euryzonotriletes multiplex

Citations total:
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details Eifelian Germany(Rhineland) Hamid,M.E.P. Spore associations from the Lower Middle Devonian (Eifel Stage), of the Southern Bergisches land (Rhenish Massif). 1974
details Middle Pennsylvanian Poland Jachowicz,A. Megaspore studies. (In: The Results of Borek Szlachecki Bore-Hole. S.Alexandrowicz et al, editor). 1968
details Visean Namurian Poland Jachowicz,A. Megaspore studies. (In: The results of Kozlowa Gora borehole. A.Jachowicz et al, editors). 1968
details Namurian Poland Jachowicz,A. New data concerning the occurence of microspores and pollen grains in the Namurian deposits of the north-eastern part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. 1964
details Late Visean Poland Jachowicz,A. Preliminary microfloral characteristics of the Lechowek and Zareby Beds. 1962
details Early Carboniferous USSR(Pamirs) Roman'Ko,Y.F. et al. New finds of fossils in metamorphic formations of the Central Pamirs. 1969
details Visean USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Ishchenko,A.M. Spore and pollen analysis of the Lower Carboniferous deposits of the Dnieper-Donets Basin. 1958
original Visean Namurian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Ishchenko,A.M. Spores and pollen of Lower Carboniferous deposits of the Western extension of the Donetz Basin and their values for stratigraphy. 1956
original Middle Carboniferous USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Ishchenko,A.M. Atlas of microspores and pollen of the Middle Carboniferous Period in the western part of the Donets Basin. 1952